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AFK - Member relocation

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AFK - Member relocation

Post by DirtyRoboto » Sat Nov 17, 2007 8:18 pm

Post by DirtyRoboto
Sat Nov 17, 2007 8:18 pm

Just to update you guys on my recent inactivity this year.
My father passed away at the beggining of the year (just after my Drum and bass video) and I have lost my job about 2 months back due to having the balls to tell my manager he was wrong (and he was). Now I am loosing the flat I am staying in.

I have savings and a good friend in Florida so I am heading out there for a few months to sort myself out and also take CCNA and CCNP courses in a nice enviroment.

With the CCNP I will be looking for an American based job initially with the hope of moving out to Japan within the next 5 years.

I will keep you guys updated on my progress and I really do hope to be doing some work with RN1 through 2008.

Any Florida based users want to link up then leave me a PM.
Just to update you guys on my recent inactivity this year.
My father passed away at the beggining of the year (just after my Drum and bass video) and I have lost my job about 2 months back due to having the balls to tell my manager he was wrong (and he was). Now I am loosing the flat I am staying in.

I have savings and a good friend in Florida so I am heading out there for a few months to sort myself out and also take CCNA and CCNP courses in a nice enviroment.

With the CCNP I will be looking for an American based job initially with the hope of moving out to Japan within the next 5 years.

I will keep you guys updated on my progress and I really do hope to be doing some work with RN1 through 2008.

Any Florida based users want to link up then leave me a PM.
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Post by Ric » Sun Nov 18, 2007 10:55 pm

Post by Ric
Sun Nov 18, 2007 10:55 pm

Blimey Dirty, you've had some bad luck this year. Sorry to hear that.

I only stop by here every couple of months or so but I notice the names that predominate. It would be a lesser forum if your name didn't appear so keep in touch and all the best.

Blimey Dirty, you've had some bad luck this year. Sorry to hear that.

I only stop by here every couple of months or so but I notice the names that predominate. It would be a lesser forum if your name didn't appear so keep in touch and all the best.

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Post by Humanoido » Mon Nov 19, 2007 7:34 am

Post by Humanoido
Mon Nov 19, 2007 7:34 am

Dirty, sorry to hear about the passing away of a great man, your father. About the other, you have to stick up for your rights and what you believe in, and you did the right thing because the true result is it makes a better world for everyone in the long run. We must be who we are, otherwise how can we live with ourselves... I believe this is the turning point for you and your big break, as not only will it let you do exactly what you'd hoped for in your grand vision and dreams, but many new opportunities and doors will open for you - there are unimaginable new and wonderful things held by other locations and cultures just waiting for you. I wish you well, and hope to hear from you in this forum when you have more to report. By the way, you may want to add a Japanese language course to your new busy curriculum.

Dirty, sorry to hear about the passing away of a great man, your father. About the other, you have to stick up for your rights and what you believe in, and you did the right thing because the true result is it makes a better world for everyone in the long run. We must be who we are, otherwise how can we live with ourselves... I believe this is the turning point for you and your big break, as not only will it let you do exactly what you'd hoped for in your grand vision and dreams, but many new opportunities and doors will open for you - there are unimaginable new and wonderful things held by other locations and cultures just waiting for you. I wish you well, and hope to hear from you in this forum when you have more to report. By the way, you may want to add a Japanese language course to your new busy curriculum.

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Post by DirtyRoboto » Mon Nov 19, 2007 7:20 pm

Post by DirtyRoboto
Mon Nov 19, 2007 7:20 pm

I wont go on about my father only too say that he entertained many thousands of people during his life.

The job. Well all I can say about that is the company I worked for ripped off its clients in every way. A few people in power were running various scams and it was known that I did not agree with this practice.
It all kicked off over a £5000 bit of test equipment and the fact it had been broken for a year. I wanted it fixed and my manager did not. I only found out after that they wanted this kit broken or it would have flagged a great deal of faults (in excess of £80k of faults) due to cheap labour.

The flat. Heh! I keep asking myself why I still live in the UK, now I will find out either way.

I am all set for a new life and new experiences. Let it roll.
I wont go on about my father only too say that he entertained many thousands of people during his life.

The job. Well all I can say about that is the company I worked for ripped off its clients in every way. A few people in power were running various scams and it was known that I did not agree with this practice.
It all kicked off over a £5000 bit of test equipment and the fact it had been broken for a year. I wanted it fixed and my manager did not. I only found out after that they wanted this kit broken or it would have flagged a great deal of faults (in excess of £80k of faults) due to cheap labour.

The flat. Heh! I keep asking myself why I still live in the UK, now I will find out either way.

I am all set for a new life and new experiences. Let it roll.
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Post by srobot » Tue Nov 20, 2007 12:07 am

Post by srobot
Tue Nov 20, 2007 12:07 am

DirtyRoboto wrote:I wont go on about my father only too say that he entertained many thousands of people during his life.

The job. Well all I can say about that is the company I worked for ripped off its clients in every way. A few people in power were running various scams and it was known that I did not agree with this practice.
It all kicked off over a £5000 bit of test equipment and the fact it had been broken for a year. I wanted it fixed and my manager did not. I only found out after that they wanted this kit broken or it would have flagged a great deal of faults (in excess of £80k of faults) due to cheap labour.

The flat. Heh! I keep asking myself why I still live in the UK, now I will find out either way.

I am all set for a new life and new experiences. Let it roll.


Sorry to hear about your father...

Although hard, you did the right thing about your job, like Humando said it would be hard to live with yourself if you did not speak up.

Don't get too carried away about America though. :D When I went to the UK I said "pants" and got a few looks. lol, I had no idea what the word means over there, now I know... Also "pubs" and "bars" over here are more for "heavy drinking". The cheese over here is not as good also. FL is hot and muggy, unlike the colder weather where you are. All in all though, you should have a good time/life over here! I'm in WI so we probably won't meet, but Hivemind (aka. Chris) is in GA a short drive from FL so you might want to send him an email or PM.

DirtyRoboto wrote:I wont go on about my father only too say that he entertained many thousands of people during his life.

The job. Well all I can say about that is the company I worked for ripped off its clients in every way. A few people in power were running various scams and it was known that I did not agree with this practice.
It all kicked off over a £5000 bit of test equipment and the fact it had been broken for a year. I wanted it fixed and my manager did not. I only found out after that they wanted this kit broken or it would have flagged a great deal of faults (in excess of £80k of faults) due to cheap labour.

The flat. Heh! I keep asking myself why I still live in the UK, now I will find out either way.

I am all set for a new life and new experiences. Let it roll.


Sorry to hear about your father...

Although hard, you did the right thing about your job, like Humando said it would be hard to live with yourself if you did not speak up.

Don't get too carried away about America though. :D When I went to the UK I said "pants" and got a few looks. lol, I had no idea what the word means over there, now I know... Also "pubs" and "bars" over here are more for "heavy drinking". The cheese over here is not as good also. FL is hot and muggy, unlike the colder weather where you are. All in all though, you should have a good time/life over here! I'm in WI so we probably won't meet, but Hivemind (aka. Chris) is in GA a short drive from FL so you might want to send him an email or PM.

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Post by DirtyRoboto » Fri Nov 23, 2007 2:30 am

Post by DirtyRoboto
Fri Nov 23, 2007 2:30 am

Thanks for all of the support guys.

This should be my last post from this location as my PC collection (x4) is now in storage and this PC is going to power down and park ready for storage tomorrow.

All flights booked, insurance paid and am ready too go.

I head out to FL on 2nd Dec but will be staying with my brother in the mean time.

I hope too speak to from the flip side soon and I also hope to meet a few of my American RN1 buddies while there.

All the best.

Marcus - Dirtyroboto.
Thanks for all of the support guys.

This should be my last post from this location as my PC collection (x4) is now in storage and this PC is going to power down and park ready for storage tomorrow.

All flights booked, insurance paid and am ready too go.

I head out to FL on 2nd Dec but will be staying with my brother in the mean time.

I hope too speak to from the flip side soon and I also hope to meet a few of my American RN1 buddies while there.

All the best.

Marcus - Dirtyroboto.
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Post by DirtyRoboto » Wed Dec 05, 2007 4:49 am

Post by DirtyRoboto
Wed Dec 05, 2007 4:49 am

Calling you all from the flip side. I am now in Florida and loving it. SUNSHINE in my life and all is good. Space shuttle launch on Thursday so I could not have timed it better.
Just bought a lappie from best buy (I know they suck for customer service) and am piggybacking some nice guys wifi. I LOVE AMERICA!!!

Calling you all from the flip side. I am now in Florida and loving it. SUNSHINE in my life and all is good. Space shuttle launch on Thursday so I could not have timed it better.
Just bought a lappie from best buy (I know they suck for customer service) and am piggybacking some nice guys wifi. I LOVE AMERICA!!!

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Post by limor » Wed Dec 05, 2007 12:38 pm

Post by limor
Wed Dec 05, 2007 12:38 pm

DirtyRoboto wrote:Calling you all from the flip side. I am now in Florida and loving it. SUNSHINE in my life and all is good. Space shuttle launch on Thursday so I could not have timed it better.
Just bought a lappie from best buy (I know they suck for customer service) and am piggybacking some nice guys wifi. I LOVE AMERICA!!!

Congratulations for the move!

my 2c : Check out newegg.com - best US online store to buy computer stuff and compare notes with other like-minded techies and you dont pay FL taxes since they are a CA shop. also get a private pilot license in FL - cheapest place on earth for that.
DirtyRoboto wrote:Calling you all from the flip side. I am now in Florida and loving it. SUNSHINE in my life and all is good. Space shuttle launch on Thursday so I could not have timed it better.
Just bought a lappie from best buy (I know they suck for customer service) and am piggybacking some nice guys wifi. I LOVE AMERICA!!!

Congratulations for the move!

my 2c : Check out newegg.com - best US online store to buy computer stuff and compare notes with other like-minded techies and you dont pay FL taxes since they are a CA shop. also get a private pilot license in FL - cheapest place on earth for that.
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Post by Humanoido » Wed Jan 09, 2008 7:20 pm

Post by Humanoido
Wed Jan 09, 2008 7:20 pm


Congratulations on the move to America!


Congratulations on the move to America!

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Post by DirtyRoboto » Thu Jan 10, 2008 2:46 am

Post by DirtyRoboto
Thu Jan 10, 2008 2:46 am

Thanks guys.
I bought quickster47's RN1 from him so I now have 2 RN1's but one is in UK and the other in USA. They will enter into combat soon.

Thanks guys.
I bought quickster47's RN1 from him so I now have 2 RN1's but one is in UK and the other in USA. They will enter into combat soon.

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