by plingboot » Thu Dec 06, 2007 12:41 pm
by plingboot
Thu Dec 06, 2007 12:41 pm
I can't remember without hunting out a pdf, what was said in the manual about setting up the servos initially, but.
before actually attaching the horns you're usually asked to plug each servo (in turn) into the control board, power it up and using the software set the servo to a particular value. You then attach the horns and other parts - trying not to move the servo too much. This ensures that once they're all in place, they have access to the maximum movement to either side of this centre point- and is the start point for setting the home position.
You'll know if you're close to this already, but moving the limbs around (power OFF) - you should be able to see whether you have full movement of each joint on both left and right hand sides.
I no longer own an RN1, but if i get a moment i'll download the pdf an have a look.
I can't remember without hunting out a pdf, what was said in the manual about setting up the servos initially, but.
before actually attaching the horns you're usually asked to plug each servo (in turn) into the control board, power it up and using the software set the servo to a particular value. You then attach the horns and other parts - trying not to move the servo too much. This ensures that once they're all in place, they have access to the maximum movement to either side of this centre point- and is the start point for setting the home position.
You'll know if you're close to this already, but moving the limbs around (power OFF) - you should be able to see whether you have full movement of each joint on both left and right hand sides.
I no longer own an RN1, but if i get a moment i'll download the pdf an have a look.