by BigJon » Mon Dec 10, 2007 3:20 am
by BigJon
Mon Dec 10, 2007 3:20 am
My first post ...
I built my new RN-1 today. It took about 8-ish hours to build. Everything went as the instructions said albeit a bit fiddly, excepted for two issues and a sore hand now from all the unscrewing / screwing …
The main issue was when I powered my RN for the first time, it took a rather odd lop-sided pose and "buzzed" as the motors strained and the legs hit each other. I fiddled for about a hour tracing the wires and checking the instructions. In the end I took all the servos off, loaded the "set zero" program and put each servo back one by one, checking it with the set zero. It would seem the manual for my controller board is very wrong ? One whole side of the RN is wired completely differently compared with the drawing in the manual ?
Looking at the manual on page 42 I have diagram with servos labelled 0 to 22. The diagram in the instructions say blocks of pins A & B on the RHS of the controller run from the bottom S23 - S18 & S17 - S12 (I have this in my manual However when I got my RN working, mine should have been wired S23 = motor 18, S22 = motor 19, S21 = motor 20, etc. i.e. my blocks of pins A & B on the controller run from the bottom S18 – 23 & S12 - S17, a mirror image of the other side of the controller, but not what it says in the manual ?!
Surely there should be an addendum for the manual ? I bought the kit from here (the RoboSavvy Store) last week, shouldn’t you/they include an updated instruction page, or have I read it wrong ? I wasted a good 2 hours.
The other issue was solved by searching this forum. I don’t have a serial port on my XP laptop, and only have Vista running on my desktop, so the post from "Dimlow" last week here was VERY helpful. The unregister/register script worked perfectly and got me up and running on Vista, removing the mscomm32.ocx error message I had.
So as of tonight (10 hours from opening the box, I have my RN walking, rolling, cart wheeling, etc, albeit, with a bit of falling over
So, thanks to everyone, already this forum has been invaluable. I’m sure I’ll be posting more as I get my RN setup and adjusted.
Speak to you all soon.
My first post ...
I built my new RN-1 today. It took about 8-ish hours to build. Everything went as the instructions said albeit a bit fiddly, excepted for two issues and a sore hand now from all the unscrewing / screwing …
The main issue was when I powered my RN for the first time, it took a rather odd lop-sided pose and "buzzed" as the motors strained and the legs hit each other. I fiddled for about a hour tracing the wires and checking the instructions. In the end I took all the servos off, loaded the "set zero" program and put each servo back one by one, checking it with the set zero. It would seem the manual for my controller board is very wrong ? One whole side of the RN is wired completely differently compared with the drawing in the manual ?
Looking at the manual on page 42 I have diagram with servos labelled 0 to 22. The diagram in the instructions say blocks of pins A & B on the RHS of the controller run from the bottom S23 - S18 & S17 - S12 (I have this in my manual However when I got my RN working, mine should have been wired S23 = motor 18, S22 = motor 19, S21 = motor 20, etc. i.e. my blocks of pins A & B on the controller run from the bottom S18 – 23 & S12 - S17, a mirror image of the other side of the controller, but not what it says in the manual ?!
Surely there should be an addendum for the manual ? I bought the kit from here (the RoboSavvy Store) last week, shouldn’t you/they include an updated instruction page, or have I read it wrong ? I wasted a good 2 hours.
The other issue was solved by searching this forum. I don’t have a serial port on my XP laptop, and only have Vista running on my desktop, so the post from "Dimlow" last week here was VERY helpful. The unregister/register script worked perfectly and got me up and running on Vista, removing the mscomm32.ocx error message I had.
So as of tonight (10 hours from opening the box, I have my RN walking, rolling, cart wheeling, etc, albeit, with a bit of falling over
So, thanks to everyone, already this forum has been invaluable. I’m sure I’ll be posting more as I get my RN setup and adjusted.
Speak to you all soon.