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Charger plug and battery voltage monitoring ...

Hitec robotics including ROBONOVA humanoid, HSR-8498HB servos, MR C-3024 Controllers and RoboBasic
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Charger plug and battery voltage monitoring ...

Post by BigJon » Tue Dec 11, 2007 3:05 pm

Post by BigJon
Tue Dec 11, 2007 3:05 pm


Two questions ...

* Is there anything that accepts the green 6 pin plug on the end of the charger ? I have a second adapter that plugs in that coverts it down to a round DC plug to charge RN. Is there anything stopping me cutting the green 6 pin plug and socket off, and just soldering a round DC plug directly on the charging lead ? Its just bugging me :-) It catches on things.

* There is a circuit diagram in the manual for a battery voltage sensing circuit that feeds the battery voltage via two resistors to the analogue input on AD6. The instructions on BauerIndependents.com shows the Vcc connected to S11 but the ground and signal on AD6 ? Can I just use the Vcc, Gnd & input all on the same set of pins on AD6 ? I thought the AD plugs had a Vcc and Gnd pin ? Is there a difference between the Vcc on the servo output pins to the Vcc on the analogue inputs ?



Two questions ...

* Is there anything that accepts the green 6 pin plug on the end of the charger ? I have a second adapter that plugs in that coverts it down to a round DC plug to charge RN. Is there anything stopping me cutting the green 6 pin plug and socket off, and just soldering a round DC plug directly on the charging lead ? Its just bugging me :-) It catches on things.

* There is a circuit diagram in the manual for a battery voltage sensing circuit that feeds the battery voltage via two resistors to the analogue input on AD6. The instructions on BauerIndependents.com shows the Vcc connected to S11 but the ground and signal on AD6 ? Can I just use the Vcc, Gnd & input all on the same set of pins on AD6 ? I thought the AD plugs had a Vcc and Gnd pin ? Is there a difference between the Vcc on the servo output pins to the Vcc on the analogue inputs ?


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Post by i-Bot » Wed Dec 12, 2007 5:22 pm

Post by i-Bot
Wed Dec 12, 2007 5:22 pm

Nothing else uses the green connector. It is the standard Multiplex battery connector, so they made the adapter for the round DC plug.
So you can cut it off and put the round plug direct to the cable, so long as you are careful with soldering and insulation in plug.

The 3 pin connectors on the top row of the board have +5 volts regulated supply on their centre pin. The servo connectors down the sides have the battery voltage on their centre pin. This is why you sense on S11, but measure on AD6
Nothing else uses the green connector. It is the standard Multiplex battery connector, so they made the adapter for the round DC plug.
So you can cut it off and put the round plug direct to the cable, so long as you are careful with soldering and insulation in plug.

The 3 pin connectors on the top row of the board have +5 volts regulated supply on their centre pin. The servo connectors down the sides have the battery voltage on their centre pin. This is why you sense on S11, but measure on AD6
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