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Earn some hard cash £100

Hitec robotics including ROBONOVA humanoid, HSR-8498HB servos, MR C-3024 Controllers and RoboBasic
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Earn some hard cash £100

Post by stevan » Thu Dec 20, 2007 3:53 pm

Post by stevan
Thu Dec 20, 2007 3:53 pm

I have a robo nova, nearly built, some problems with charging. after chatting to robosavvy they firmly suggest i search the forums etc for all the answers, submit this and that. All this takes time.

I would love to pay someone hard cash to complete my robonova and have it fully working for me.
if you would like to earn a £100 let me know.
I live in Basingstoke, Hampshire, UK
Tel 0800 6128439
I have a robo nova, nearly built, some problems with charging. after chatting to robosavvy they firmly suggest i search the forums etc for all the answers, submit this and that. All this takes time.

I would love to pay someone hard cash to complete my robonova and have it fully working for me.
if you would like to earn a £100 let me know.
I live in Basingstoke, Hampshire, UK
Tel 0800 6128439
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Post by Voelker » Thu Dec 20, 2007 4:15 pm

Post by Voelker
Thu Dec 20, 2007 4:15 pm

You'd betteer keep your cash and try to solve the problem by yourself. This kind of robot is not a toy, you 'll surely have trouble with it in the future and i hope you won't spend 100£ for any problem you meet. When i built mine, i burnt the controller by turning it on while charging, and i had to buy a new one. I had to spend 200€ for that but i built my robot myself. Every problem you encounter is an occasion to improve your knowledge so keep trying to solve your problem and don't hesitate to ask.
You'd betteer keep your cash and try to solve the problem by yourself. This kind of robot is not a toy, you 'll surely have trouble with it in the future and i hope you won't spend 100£ for any problem you meet. When i built mine, i burnt the controller by turning it on while charging, and i had to buy a new one. I had to spend 200€ for that but i built my robot myself. Every problem you encounter is an occasion to improve your knowledge so keep trying to solve your problem and don't hesitate to ask.
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not a toy

Post by stevan » Thu Dec 20, 2007 5:56 pm

Post by stevan
Thu Dec 20, 2007 5:56 pm

You’re quite correct it’s not a toy and I should have a go, and fully expect to learn some programing. however, it really gets to me when you pay out and what you get doesn’t work. I may have done the same as you, burnt out the board, it’s an expensive lesson if I have and it becomes clear that this is my fault/problem. I however did not see any where in the manual where it said not to use while on charge. also, under the sale of goods act the purchase should work and a redress process in place. The person at robosavvy also said he did not think that this was my problem and that I should be able to use it while plugged in.
The main reason why I am happy to pay out, is it is nearly Christmas and I really wanted it up and running by then.
You’re quite correct it’s not a toy and I should have a go, and fully expect to learn some programing. however, it really gets to me when you pay out and what you get doesn’t work. I may have done the same as you, burnt out the board, it’s an expensive lesson if I have and it becomes clear that this is my fault/problem. I however did not see any where in the manual where it said not to use while on charge. also, under the sale of goods act the purchase should work and a redress process in place. The person at robosavvy also said he did not think that this was my problem and that I should be able to use it while plugged in.
The main reason why I am happy to pay out, is it is nearly Christmas and I really wanted it up and running by then.
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Post by Grampy » Sat Dec 22, 2007 10:52 pm

Post by Grampy
Sat Dec 22, 2007 10:52 pm

Hi M8 what sort of faults do you have? will try to help
Hi M8 what sort of faults do you have? will try to help
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Robova biuld

Post by JavaRN » Sun Dec 23, 2007 11:21 am

Post by JavaRN
Sun Dec 23, 2007 11:21 am

In my opinion you should have a try with building your robonova. When I bought mine some seven months ago, I was a little worried when I saw all those brackets, motors and the fact that I know nothing about electronics I thought is going to be a problem. BUT believe me I don't regret the time it took me to build it (it took me some 4 days working 2.5 hours each day). Building your robot helps you understand how things are connected together and when it comes to add ons - sensors, grippers and other stuff, you can do your own updates without anyone helping you. I'm sure you can do this. If I did it then anyone can do it - what I suggest is to take it easy, do not rush and look in this forum - there are many hints and tips which you will surely find useful.

Good luck :wink: :wink:

In my opinion you should have a try with building your robonova. When I bought mine some seven months ago, I was a little worried when I saw all those brackets, motors and the fact that I know nothing about electronics I thought is going to be a problem. BUT believe me I don't regret the time it took me to build it (it took me some 4 days working 2.5 hours each day). Building your robot helps you understand how things are connected together and when it comes to add ons - sensors, grippers and other stuff, you can do your own updates without anyone helping you. I'm sure you can do this. If I did it then anyone can do it - what I suggest is to take it easy, do not rush and look in this forum - there are many hints and tips which you will surely find useful.

Good luck :wink: :wink:

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