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Servo Trouble

Hitec robotics including ROBONOVA humanoid, HSR-8498HB servos, MR C-3024 Controllers and RoboBasic
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Servo Trouble

Post by bbrainmonkey » Sun Dec 23, 2007 3:09 pm

Post by bbrainmonkey
Sun Dec 23, 2007 3:09 pm

I just got a RN-1 and everything works great, except for one thing, the knee joint on the right leg. When I make him go into the sitting position, that leg doesn't collapse fully, making him lopsided. This also happens in any program where his legs are collapsed. And when I turn him off, I can move it fully.
The servo horns are right, and so are the zero settings. Is there anything that can be fixed, or should I request a replacement?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

EDIT: I have solved the previous problem by reloading the template program, but now I have another prolem. The servo won't respond to the set zero point program. Whenever it is activated, the servo goes limp and is unresponsive. Triggering this proram also unchecks the checkbox in both servo control programs, and even whe it is re checked, the problem persists in all 3 programs. Any fixes, or is my servo broken?
I just got a RN-1 and everything works great, except for one thing, the knee joint on the right leg. When I make him go into the sitting position, that leg doesn't collapse fully, making him lopsided. This also happens in any program where his legs are collapsed. And when I turn him off, I can move it fully.
The servo horns are right, and so are the zero settings. Is there anything that can be fixed, or should I request a replacement?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

EDIT: I have solved the previous problem by reloading the template program, but now I have another prolem. The servo won't respond to the set zero point program. Whenever it is activated, the servo goes limp and is unresponsive. Triggering this proram also unchecks the checkbox in both servo control programs, and even whe it is re checked, the problem persists in all 3 programs. Any fixes, or is my servo broken?
Last edited by bbrainmonkey on Wed Dec 26, 2007 6:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Grampy » Sun Dec 23, 2007 3:54 pm

Post by Grampy
Sun Dec 23, 2007 3:54 pm

1 is the servo hard to move when the bot is powered?
2 just as a test have you tried the servo in another channel?
1 is the servo hard to move when the bot is powered?
2 just as a test have you tried the servo in another channel?
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Post by bbrainmonkey » Sun Dec 23, 2007 5:20 pm

Post by bbrainmonkey
Sun Dec 23, 2007 5:20 pm

1. No, it's stiff and works perfectly except for the last 10 degrees.
2. No, but I will

Also, it seemed to work fine on roboremocon pc control, so i'll try that again
1. No, it's stiff and works perfectly except for the last 10 degrees.
2. No, but I will

Also, it seemed to work fine on roboremocon pc control, so i'll try that again
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Post by Grampy » Sun Dec 23, 2007 5:24 pm

Post by Grampy
Sun Dec 23, 2007 5:24 pm

let me know what happens when you try another channel
let me know what happens when you try another channel
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Post by Grampy » Sun Dec 23, 2007 5:32 pm

Post by Grampy
Sun Dec 23, 2007 5:32 pm

im in the chat channel if you want help
im in the chat channel if you want help
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Post by jaybirdtke » Mon Dec 24, 2007 12:51 am

Post by jaybirdtke
Mon Dec 24, 2007 12:51 am

Try loosening the four long screws that hold on the bottom plate of the servo. If they are too tight they can bind the gears. If that doesn't work open the servo and inspect the gears. Maybe one of the teeth broke off and wedged itself on one of the other gears.
Try loosening the four long screws that hold on the bottom plate of the servo. If they are too tight they can bind the gears. If that doesn't work open the servo and inspect the gears. Maybe one of the teeth broke off and wedged itself on one of the other gears.
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Post by bbrainmonkey » Wed Dec 26, 2007 9:55 pm

Post by bbrainmonkey
Wed Dec 26, 2007 9:55 pm

I have solved the previous problem by reloading the template program, but now I have another prolem. The servo won't respond to the set zero point program. Whenever it is activated, the servo goes limp and is unresponsive. Triggering this proram also unchecks the checkbox in both servo control programs, and even whe it is re checked, the problem persists in all 3 programs. Any fixes, or is my servo broken?
I have solved the previous problem by reloading the template program, but now I have another prolem. The servo won't respond to the set zero point program. Whenever it is activated, the servo goes limp and is unresponsive. Triggering this proram also unchecks the checkbox in both servo control programs, and even whe it is re checked, the problem persists in all 3 programs. Any fixes, or is my servo broken?
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