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robobasic v2.5

Hitec robotics including ROBONOVA humanoid, HSR-8498HB servos, MR C-3024 Controllers and RoboBasic
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robobasic v2.5

Post by sugar7 » Tue Dec 25, 2007 3:42 pm

Post by sugar7
Tue Dec 25, 2007 3:42 pm

novice builder. have built and runs fine (pc) under roboscript. can not download templates under robobasic. get communication error. i am connecting and am able to perform other readings and actions (set zero point). help please!
novice builder. have built and runs fine (pc) under roboscript. can not download templates under robobasic. get communication error. i am connecting and am able to perform other readings and actions (set zero point). help please!
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Post by NovaOne » Tue Dec 25, 2007 4:19 pm

Post by NovaOne
Tue Dec 25, 2007 4:19 pm

have built and runs fine (pc) under roboscript. can not download templates under robobasic.

You say it runs under roboscript, will it also download (F6) the complete rountine under roboscript as well?
i am connecting and am able to perform other readings and actions (set zero point).

You may have the correct comm port selected in Roboscript but the wrong comm port in RoboBasic. Check by selecting "Set" from the pull down menu and then select "Set Port" .Select the same comm port as roboscript.
While you are in RoboBasic also check Controller type, is correct ie select "Set", then "Controller type", then "MRC3024"

Often my PC comes up with a comms error dialog. in RoboBasic on the first attempt, but if i try again immediately, it works. I also try pressing the reset and stop program icons ...but I don't know if this really helps. I thought this might be a fault with my controller, but recently experience the same fault while linking my PC to Sonic's RN-1.
have built and runs fine (pc) under roboscript. can not download templates under robobasic.

You say it runs under roboscript, will it also download (F6) the complete rountine under roboscript as well?
i am connecting and am able to perform other readings and actions (set zero point).

You may have the correct comm port selected in Roboscript but the wrong comm port in RoboBasic. Check by selecting "Set" from the pull down menu and then select "Set Port" .Select the same comm port as roboscript.
While you are in RoboBasic also check Controller type, is correct ie select "Set", then "Controller type", then "MRC3024"

Often my PC comes up with a comms error dialog. in RoboBasic on the first attempt, but if i try again immediately, it works. I also try pressing the reset and stop program icons ...but I don't know if this really helps. I thought this might be a fault with my controller, but recently experience the same fault while linking my PC to Sonic's RN-1.
Savvy Roboteer
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Me too

Post by peterm » Wed Dec 26, 2007 1:50 am

Post by peterm
Wed Dec 26, 2007 1:50 am

I have exactly the same issue. I can connect to robonova, get the controller information, move the motors, etc. But I cannot download any roboBasic ptogram to the robot.

The download window opens, then a dialog box pops up saying:
Error Code : -5
Errors in data transmission.
Check controller status, power and interface cable.

I deduce that I am communicating with the controller as I can move the robot's motors from ROBONOVA motor control.

Is there a detalied list of error codes? Does anyone know what -5 means?

I have exactly the same issue. I can connect to robonova, get the controller information, move the motors, etc. But I cannot download any roboBasic ptogram to the robot.

The download window opens, then a dialog box pops up saying:
Error Code : -5
Errors in data transmission.
Check controller status, power and interface cable.

I deduce that I am communicating with the controller as I can move the robot's motors from ROBONOVA motor control.

Is there a detalied list of error codes? Does anyone know what -5 means?

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Post by NovaOne » Wed Dec 26, 2007 9:06 am

Post by NovaOne
Wed Dec 26, 2007 9:06 am

Sorry sugar7, It looks like I did not read you post properly, :?

i-bot wrote:

The only special feature of the download is that it kicks the serial speed up from 9600 to 115K. This is sometimes an issue for the port hardware and also sometimes shows up electrical problems, since the C3024 only uses TTL levels to drive the RS232.

So the problem may be anything from, a bad connection on your comms lead, to a electrically noisy RoboNova power supply rail, due to a badly filtered voltage regulator, or servo, or low battery charge.

There is even a rare possibility you have a faulty eeprom.....this idea needs to be confirmed by a more savvy roboteer)
Sorry sugar7, It looks like I did not read you post properly, :?

i-bot wrote:

The only special feature of the download is that it kicks the serial speed up from 9600 to 115K. This is sometimes an issue for the port hardware and also sometimes shows up electrical problems, since the C3024 only uses TTL levels to drive the RS232.

So the problem may be anything from, a bad connection on your comms lead, to a electrically noisy RoboNova power supply rail, due to a badly filtered voltage regulator, or servo, or low battery charge.

There is even a rare possibility you have a faulty eeprom.....this idea needs to be confirmed by a more savvy roboteer)
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robobasic v2.5

Post by sugar7 » Wed Dec 26, 2007 1:36 pm

Post by sugar7
Wed Dec 26, 2007 1:36 pm

i am now able to now download from robobasic templates (i have no idea what i did to get to this point) but when i hit "0k" regardless of the template my robot leans back a bit then straightens. i can see the download take place. my roboscript continues to work fine and all other functions under robobasic work so i know connection is ok. again, problem is to get robot to perform the downladed templates under robobasic.
i am now able to now download from robobasic templates (i have no idea what i did to get to this point) but when i hit "0k" regardless of the template my robot leans back a bit then straightens. i can see the download take place. my roboscript continues to work fine and all other functions under robobasic work so i know connection is ok. again, problem is to get robot to perform the downladed templates under robobasic.
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Post by Tohm » Wed Dec 26, 2007 5:15 pm

Post by Tohm
Wed Dec 26, 2007 5:15 pm

Check and make sure you have the MRC3024 controller selected in the controller settings menu. Also if you're using a USB to Serial adapter, try slowing down the comunication speed.

Check and make sure you have the MRC3024 controller selected in the controller settings menu. Also if you're using a USB to Serial adapter, try slowing down the comunication speed.

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