by Entrastic » Fri Jan 25, 2008 5:05 pm
by Entrastic
Fri Jan 25, 2008 5:05 pm
I would happily refalsh the c3024 but the only problem is that the Robonova I am working on is not mine!! its a part of a school project.
I know i posted in my last mail that it appeared as if the baud rate change is getting stored in the EEPROM, it didnt work today. The baud rate was not getting stored. I was starting to get really irritated and abort hte whole plan of using LCD when I received a reply from the Sparkfun technical support. I have pasted the mail below...
If you look through the code for the serial LCD. The baud rate change is not permanently stored in EEPROM. In the datasheet it says that all settings are stored on onboard EEPROM, these are the settings that allow communication to the HD44780 controller on the LCD. If you want to permanently change the settings, you will need to alter the code on the PIC to store the setting in EEPROM.
i-Bot, are you sure that ur BD is getting stored in EEPROM. Coz I do not completely trust the Sparkfun people.
By the way, for everyone who wants to use this LCD on the C3024 LCD port, the easiest and simplest way to do that would be to use a 5V relay to switch between the serial port and LCD port. Connect the NC to the LCD port and the NO to the LCD port. activate the relay using some other port by outputting a digital 1 ( command OUT 32, 1 for AD0). Of course, the signal pin of that port shud be connected to the Vcc of the relay. Send the two commands to change the baud rate and turn off the relay by outputting a 0. now u can use the LCD using hte normal PRINT commands
I know its kinda silly, but it works perfectly and is really simple. If you have something else attached to ur serial port, u can use another set of contact in ur relay ( buy a relay with multiple NC/NO contacts) to disconnect it while the LCD is connected to the serial port ( That is connect the serial device to the NC with the serial port as common).
I guess I am gonna continue doing that. Since the LCD port is connected to the NC of the relay, there is no power consumption also except for couple of second used to change the baud rate.
Changin gthe baud rate can be one of hte first things u do in ur program before ur main program so that the new BD will be maintained for the rest of the programs and the serial port will be free
I would happily refalsh the c3024 but the only problem is that the Robonova I am working on is not mine!! its a part of a school project.
I know i posted in my last mail that it appeared as if the baud rate change is getting stored in the EEPROM, it didnt work today. The baud rate was not getting stored. I was starting to get really irritated and abort hte whole plan of using LCD when I received a reply from the Sparkfun technical support. I have pasted the mail below...
If you look through the code for the serial LCD. The baud rate change is not permanently stored in EEPROM. In the datasheet it says that all settings are stored on onboard EEPROM, these are the settings that allow communication to the HD44780 controller on the LCD. If you want to permanently change the settings, you will need to alter the code on the PIC to store the setting in EEPROM.
i-Bot, are you sure that ur BD is getting stored in EEPROM. Coz I do not completely trust the Sparkfun people.
By the way, for everyone who wants to use this LCD on the C3024 LCD port, the easiest and simplest way to do that would be to use a 5V relay to switch between the serial port and LCD port. Connect the NC to the LCD port and the NO to the LCD port. activate the relay using some other port by outputting a digital 1 ( command OUT 32, 1 for AD0). Of course, the signal pin of that port shud be connected to the Vcc of the relay. Send the two commands to change the baud rate and turn off the relay by outputting a 0. now u can use the LCD using hte normal PRINT commands
I know its kinda silly, but it works perfectly and is really simple. If you have something else attached to ur serial port, u can use another set of contact in ur relay ( buy a relay with multiple NC/NO contacts) to disconnect it while the LCD is connected to the serial port ( That is connect the serial device to the NC with the serial port as common).
I guess I am gonna continue doing that. Since the LCD port is connected to the NC of the relay, there is no power consumption also except for couple of second used to change the baud rate.
Changin gthe baud rate can be one of hte first things u do in ur program before ur main program so that the new BD will be maintained for the rest of the programs and the serial port will be free