by i-Bot » Sun Jan 13, 2008 2:59 pm
by i-Bot
Sun Jan 13, 2008 2:59 pm
I have played with the SRF04(SONAR command), SRF02(I2C), and the MaxSonar(Analog), and not found much performance difference. The MaxSonar should be the easiest to use on the Robonova, and has lowest software load, since it is an analog input. The SRF04 is obviously bigger due to separate TX and RX transducers. Note: the SRF04 need to be powered by 5V (top row of connectors), though it uses servo singal from the side connectors.
As I said I have played with these, but not actually used them within RoboBasic motions.
When you say eratic behavior for the MaxSonar, is this when installed and moving ?
I have found all the sonar units to be very sensitive to placement, height, angle and to their beam width.
I have played with the SRF04(SONAR command), SRF02(I2C), and the MaxSonar(Analog), and not found much performance difference. The MaxSonar should be the easiest to use on the Robonova, and has lowest software load, since it is an analog input. The SRF04 is obviously bigger due to separate TX and RX transducers. Note: the SRF04 need to be powered by 5V (top row of connectors), though it uses servo singal from the side connectors.
As I said I have played with these, but not actually used them within RoboBasic motions.
When you say eratic behavior for the MaxSonar, is this when installed and moving ?
I have found all the sonar units to be very sensitive to placement, height, angle and to their beam width.