by bryantsg » Mon May 05, 2008 7:33 pm
by bryantsg
Mon May 05, 2008 7:33 pm
Since the operation power of a parani esd 100 is 3.3v while which of the MRC3024 is 5V, I buy a Multiplex Bluetooth module for RN1,it's also a esd 100 module but it comes together with voltage regulator...But when I connect it to my pc via a USB, it can't be detected by my pc...anyone knows the reason?
Since the operation power of a parani esd 100 is 3.3v while which of the MRC3024 is 5V, I buy a Multiplex Bluetooth module for RN1,it's also a esd 100 module but it comes together with voltage regulator...But when I connect it to my pc via a USB, it can't be detected by my pc...anyone knows the reason?