Voelker wrote:I don't have PCB manufacture ability but i can have access to equipement like a reflow oven.
That's useful.
For the board, do you think it would be a good idea to integrate a special connector for daughter board.
Not too specialised, something easily accessible from most electronics shops to maximise community contribution. IDC headers are easily found and used, and ribbon cables mean you can extend somewhere else.
I have finally chosen to use the PIC32 as some other project like
http://greta.dhs.org/UBW/ intend to use it and as the microchip library is pretty big.
One of the things that pushes me away from the PIC range is the absence of native USB support (on the big block diagram I looked at). The AVR32 range has much the same performance characteristics but has USB on-the-go (i.e. USB slave and host) on-chip. It's a newer chip, though, so doesn't have the library support that the PIC does.
Then there's always things like the Hammer. Making a host board for the Hammer takes away any need to develop the MCU part and instead it's just an interface board for a well known and well supported computing engine.
I intend to put on the pcb the footprint for a bluetooth module (like sparkfun ones) but i don't think that every use needs it.
I think you're right. Bluetooth would be very useful for a variety of purposes, maybe a generic UART header with PCBs for Bluetooth, Zigbee and RS-232? Then there's just as many headers as there are UARTs.
An SD card seems to big for the board size, do you think that using a µSD would be ok.
For what? I've yet to see a need for a memory card. USB programming means you don't need external flash unless you particularly want it, and if one is really careful the bootloader could probably self-programme over the wireless/UARTs.
Voelker wrote:I don't have PCB manufacture ability but i can have access to equipement like a reflow oven.
That's useful.
For the board, do you think it would be a good idea to integrate a special connector for daughter board.
Not too specialised, something easily accessible from most electronics shops to maximise community contribution. IDC headers are easily found and used, and ribbon cables mean you can extend somewhere else.
I have finally chosen to use the PIC32 as some other project like
http://greta.dhs.org/UBW/ intend to use it and as the microchip library is pretty big.
One of the things that pushes me away from the PIC range is the absence of native USB support (on the big block diagram I looked at). The AVR32 range has much the same performance characteristics but has USB on-the-go (i.e. USB slave and host) on-chip. It's a newer chip, though, so doesn't have the library support that the PIC does.
Then there's always things like the Hammer. Making a host board for the Hammer takes away any need to develop the MCU part and instead it's just an interface board for a well known and well supported computing engine.
I intend to put on the pcb the footprint for a bluetooth module (like sparkfun ones) but i don't think that every use needs it.
I think you're right. Bluetooth would be very useful for a variety of purposes, maybe a generic UART header with PCBs for Bluetooth, Zigbee and RS-232? Then there's just as many headers as there are UARTs.
An SD card seems to big for the board size, do you think that using a µSD would be ok.
For what? I've yet to see a need for a memory card. USB programming means you don't need external flash unless you particularly want it, and if one is really careful the bootloader could probably self-programme over the wireless/UARTs.