by engineer » Fri Jul 18, 2008 8:09 pm
by engineer
Fri Jul 18, 2008 8:09 pm
NOVA ONE I think thats right, having won two gold medals with RN-!, there are a lot of things to consider before you even start to compete. one of them is to remember to have some fun. The people you meet are way more important than a medal, the learning curve on any robot is steep, and you can only fight your robot not the other guy's,and he's going to be reacting, planning his next move as you are. Having fought a few different types of robots I'd say thier fairly even as to properties you've got to work with what they can do, and the rules. I'm still working on RN-!'as capabilities and can pack even more sensors into it than I'm using now. good luck, Oh if you want more speed and power check out rebuilding the RN-1's battery pack with higher mah batteries without changing the size or location the 1000 mah's sub C's have reached 1800 mah in the same size, that change will give you both longer runtime and more power. remember that stalling a servo has a price to pay.
NOVA ONE I think thats right, having won two gold medals with RN-!, there are a lot of things to consider before you even start to compete. one of them is to remember to have some fun. The people you meet are way more important than a medal, the learning curve on any robot is steep, and you can only fight your robot not the other guy's,and he's going to be reacting, planning his next move as you are. Having fought a few different types of robots I'd say thier fairly even as to properties you've got to work with what they can do, and the rules. I'm still working on RN-!'as capabilities and can pack even more sensors into it than I'm using now. good luck, Oh if you want more speed and power check out rebuilding the RN-1's battery pack with higher mah batteries without changing the size or location the 1000 mah's sub C's have reached 1800 mah in the same size, that change will give you both longer runtime and more power. remember that stalling a servo has a price to pay.