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Robonova carrying an object

Hitec robotics including ROBONOVA humanoid, HSR-8498HB servos, MR C-3024 Controllers and RoboBasic
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Robonova carrying an object

Post by Little Michael » Wed Dec 03, 2008 11:22 am

Post by Little Michael
Wed Dec 03, 2008 11:22 am

This is the video of my final degree project. I've been working with two Robonova robots that are carriyng a ladder cooperatively. It's a distributed multirobot system, that is, each robot moves independently. The red Robonova is teleoperated and the yellow one perceives the movement of the first one through two force sensors (FSR) located on its hands. They make two kinds of movements, walking forward, turn left and turn right.


I wish you like it.
This is the video of my final degree project. I've been working with two Robonova robots that are carriyng a ladder cooperatively. It's a distributed multirobot system, that is, each robot moves independently. The red Robonova is teleoperated and the yellow one perceives the movement of the first one through two force sensors (FSR) located on its hands. They make two kinds of movements, walking forward, turn left and turn right.


I wish you like it.
Little Michael
Posts: 4
Joined: Fri Feb 29, 2008 6:33 pm

Post by NovaOne » Thu Dec 04, 2008 2:09 pm

Post by NovaOne
Thu Dec 04, 2008 2:09 pm

Looks difficult. Have you seen this thread...would it be useful?


How are you synchronising the two robots, or do they just use different routines in response to the same IR signal?
Looks difficult. Have you seen this thread...would it be useful?


How are you synchronising the two robots, or do they just use different routines in response to the same IR signal?
Savvy Roboteer
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Post by limor » Sun Dec 07, 2008 12:48 am

Post by limor
Sun Dec 07, 2008 12:48 am

very impressive! in some of the moves they are so in sync that they look like they are both remote controlled simultaneously.
i've added this to the wiki
very impressive! in some of the moves they are so in sync that they look like they are both remote controlled simultaneously.
i've added this to the wiki
Savvy Roboteer
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Post by Little Michael » Wed Dec 17, 2008 4:28 pm

Post by Little Michael
Wed Dec 17, 2008 4:28 pm

How are you synchronising the two robots, or do they just use different routines in response to the same IR signal?

They are not synchronised, this is the dificult part of my project. Both robots walk independently, first I give the order to the red RN to move forward pressing the key 1 of the remote control and the robot stretch out both hands and begin to walk. The yellow RN perceives that the FSR sensors has been pushed by the end of the ladder, so it begins to move backwards. The movement of turning is similar.

The FSR sensors are situated on the hands of the yellow RN:

I have made it this way becuse I want to make the system as real as posible. When 2 people are carrying a ladder they don't tell each other where to go, instead, one follows the other by feeling his movement. This project is the same.

In fact, sometimes the two robot are not totally aligned so the red robot can stretch both arms but the yellow only sense one of the FSR, so the red robot moves forward and the yellow one turns, so the system crash!!!!It's been very difficult to make that the robots always keep the distance and don't turn themselves.
How are you synchronising the two robots, or do they just use different routines in response to the same IR signal?

They are not synchronised, this is the dificult part of my project. Both robots walk independently, first I give the order to the red RN to move forward pressing the key 1 of the remote control and the robot stretch out both hands and begin to walk. The yellow RN perceives that the FSR sensors has been pushed by the end of the ladder, so it begins to move backwards. The movement of turning is similar.

The FSR sensors are situated on the hands of the yellow RN:

I have made it this way becuse I want to make the system as real as posible. When 2 people are carrying a ladder they don't tell each other where to go, instead, one follows the other by feeling his movement. This project is the same.

In fact, sometimes the two robot are not totally aligned so the red robot can stretch both arms but the yellow only sense one of the FSR, so the red robot moves forward and the yellow one turns, so the system crash!!!!It's been very difficult to make that the robots always keep the distance and don't turn themselves.
Little Michael
Posts: 4
Joined: Fri Feb 29, 2008 6:33 pm

Post by kim » Sun Jan 04, 2009 12:20 pm

Post by kim
Sun Jan 04, 2009 12:20 pm

very good works :wink:
very good works :wink:
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Joined: Sun Jan 04, 2009 12:19 pm

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