by Joerg » Wed Jun 21, 2006 8:44 pm
by Joerg
Wed Jun 21, 2006 8:44 pm
robodude666 wrote:So the RN-1 uses a different board than the one POB offers?
There are 3 components in the moment, Cam, LCD and Protoboard. For the Robonova you can use the Cam and if you want the LCD.
No prototyping board is required for normal operation.
There is a small (hidden) board with a MAX232 (level-shifter) to connect the 2 serial port (POB-EYE and Robonova). The programm in the Robonova is a slave of the POB-EYE. The POB-EYE sends command like :turn on the left, move forward....
The original prototyping board has motor- and servo drivers and this is not needed for the Robonova. The joystick can replaced with the infrared remote from the Robonova. We will make the protocol more stable to add this feature for the user interface.
You can use, if you want - not necessary - a smaller Protoboard (or cutted original one) for your own extensions.
For example, on the Bremen fair sombody asked for the possibility to log data from the cam to an extended memory. Such things are possible with an extra board.
robodude666 wrote:So the RN-1 uses a different board than the one POB offers?
There are 3 components in the moment, Cam, LCD and Protoboard. For the Robonova you can use the Cam and if you want the LCD.
No prototyping board is required for normal operation.
There is a small (hidden) board with a MAX232 (level-shifter) to connect the 2 serial port (POB-EYE and Robonova). The programm in the Robonova is a slave of the POB-EYE. The POB-EYE sends command like :turn on the left, move forward....
The original prototyping board has motor- and servo drivers and this is not needed for the Robonova. The joystick can replaced with the infrared remote from the Robonova. We will make the protocol more stable to add this feature for the user interface.
You can use, if you want - not necessary - a smaller Protoboard (or cutted original one) for your own extensions.
For example, on the Bremen fair sombody asked for the possibility to log data from the cam to an extended memory. Such things are possible with an extra board.