i-Bot wrote:The standard confguration of the servos is shown on page 42 of the manual. Servos 5,9,10,11,15,16,17,23 are not present on a standard RN1. They are used forlater addition of Knee, hip, gripper, head or neck servos.
You should be able to move the other servos according to page 42.
Fritzoid wrote:Robotics is like an adventure game. The tools you need and all the clues are hidden in plain sight. The very wise i-bot is gently trying to point you in the right direction. You would do well to go back and study his responses carefully.
Less cryptically, the light blinks because the software thinks that you have a battery monitor attached to the robot and you do not. These systems shipped with the flaw so the problem is well known. Either build a battery monitor or comment-out the line in the program and your problem is solved. Search this forum for further details.
denodan wrote:Fritzoid wrote:Robotics is like an adventure game. The tools you need and all the clues are hidden in plain sight. The very wise i-bot is gently trying to point you in the right direction. You would do well to go back and study his responses carefully.
Less cryptically, the light blinks because the software thinks that you have a battery monitor attached to the robot and you do not. These systems shipped with the flaw so the problem is well known. Either build a battery monitor or comment-out the line in the program and your problem is solved. Search this forum for further details.
Now that is strange. Put Robonova back on the computer. Took it off, did nothing and now the blue light Stays on, but now how do you use the remote?
Deos not do anythng, and followed the instructions on the back about setting channel.
Thought he meant to have preinstalled moves on the remote? And the batteries are good, so not batteries in the remote
i-Bot wrote:Now we know your hardware is OK, what software versions are you running ?
What does controller information in Robobasic say for firmware.ver ?
What does help:about say for robobasic version ?
Where is the source of your templates ?