by denodan » Wed Apr 14, 2010 7:49 am
by denodan
Wed Apr 14, 2010 7:49 am
Connected Robonova to my old computer, which has a serial port, so the serial port works. Try any program in the templates and nothing. The blue light still blinks, the Robot gives a small twitch, as though it's moving slightly, or wants to then nothing, still flashes blue when connected to computer.
The guy has not used it for ages so doubt it's been charged. He cliamed the battery used to last 30 mins, but now nothing. Is it possible the battery is stuffed?
It seems to want to do the moves using the basic scripts I downloaded, ran and downloaded to the robot, but only starts to move slightly, like just bends slightly at the legs.
When I turn the robot on, he stands ok, but of coruse the blue flashing light.
I turned him on once and nearly pinched my finger, theses things are strong. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Connected Robonova to my old computer, which has a serial port, so the serial port works. Try any program in the templates and nothing. The blue light still blinks, the Robot gives a small twitch, as though it's moving slightly, or wants to then nothing, still flashes blue when connected to computer.
The guy has not used it for ages so doubt it's been charged. He cliamed the battery used to last 30 mins, but now nothing. Is it possible the battery is stuffed?
It seems to want to do the moves using the basic scripts I downloaded, ran and downloaded to the robot, but only starts to move slightly, like just bends slightly at the legs.
When I turn the robot on, he stands ok, but of coruse the blue flashing light.
I turned him on once and nearly pinched my finger, theses things are strong. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!