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Got Robonova but cannot get it going? Help

Hitec robotics including ROBONOVA humanoid, HSR-8498HB servos, MR C-3024 Controllers and RoboBasic
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Got Robonova but cannot get it going? Help

Post by denodan » Tue Apr 13, 2010 7:46 am

Post by denodan
Tue Apr 13, 2010 7:46 am

Got my Robonova, charged up my Robonova, the charger light is green, so turned on my Robonova and all that happens is the blue light flashes and cannot get the remote to go.

Thought out of the box there was preprogrammed events you can use on the remote from out of the box? Changed the batteries in the remote, tried the P1 setting up 1 - 4 channel as said on the back of the remote.

I am totally stummed. Going to have to get a usb to serial converter for my laptop to use it.
Got my Robonova, charged up my Robonova, the charger light is green, so turned on my Robonova and all that happens is the blue light flashes and cannot get the remote to go.

Thought out of the box there was preprogrammed events you can use on the remote from out of the box? Changed the batteries in the remote, tried the P1 setting up 1 - 4 channel as said on the back of the remote.

I am totally stummed. Going to have to get a usb to serial converter for my laptop to use it.
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new rn

Post by engineer » Tue Apr 13, 2010 3:53 pm

Post by engineer
Tue Apr 13, 2010 3:53 pm

first, read this forum there are a lot of posts with that heading, because you first need to get into programming that blue led off! unless you can make a voltage divider and install it read the build articles on this forum the main thing is a lot of problems with robo-nova have been covered here,without this forum i would still be watching that blinking blue led, and having RN-! kick my monitor. :oops: good luck and don't forget READ :lol:
first, read this forum there are a lot of posts with that heading, because you first need to get into programming that blue led off! unless you can make a voltage divider and install it read the build articles on this forum the main thing is a lot of problems with robo-nova have been covered here,without this forum i would still be watching that blinking blue led, and having RN-! kick my monitor. :oops: good luck and don't forget READ :lol:
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Re: new rn

Post by denodan » Tue Apr 13, 2010 7:28 pm

Post by denodan
Tue Apr 13, 2010 7:28 pm

engineer wrote:first, read this forum there are a lot of posts with that heading, because you first need to get into programming that blue led off! unless you can make a voltage divider and install it read the build articles on this forum the main thing is a lot of problems with robo-nova have been covered here,without this forum i would still be watching that blinking blue led, and having RN-! kick my monitor. :oops: good luck and don't forget READ :lol:

Mind you, cannot do anything till I get a USB to serial converter. Also the programming looks complex, where to start, how to turn off the blue light, etc. The manual does not help.

The guy did use it and said even programmed custom moves, so according to him did not flash. He had not used it in a long time, so wonder through lack of use the battery is stuffed. Seems to turn from red to green very quickly, less than 20 mins.

Does it not still hold it's programs in EMPROM, etc? I am annoyed as it's going to take a very long time to get this thing running, if at all, may not bother, looks so hard to do, where to start, and lack of info on the internet. Seems what there is, is for people who are allready comfatable with programming. Guess as has been said here, read, but being a total beginner is not always a help as many of the info here is for those allready in the knowlege of robotics, or electronics, not a total beginner.
engineer wrote:first, read this forum there are a lot of posts with that heading, because you first need to get into programming that blue led off! unless you can make a voltage divider and install it read the build articles on this forum the main thing is a lot of problems with robo-nova have been covered here,without this forum i would still be watching that blinking blue led, and having RN-! kick my monitor. :oops: good luck and don't forget READ :lol:

Mind you, cannot do anything till I get a USB to serial converter. Also the programming looks complex, where to start, how to turn off the blue light, etc. The manual does not help.

The guy did use it and said even programmed custom moves, so according to him did not flash. He had not used it in a long time, so wonder through lack of use the battery is stuffed. Seems to turn from red to green very quickly, less than 20 mins.

Does it not still hold it's programs in EMPROM, etc? I am annoyed as it's going to take a very long time to get this thing running, if at all, may not bother, looks so hard to do, where to start, and lack of info on the internet. Seems what there is, is for people who are allready comfatable with programming. Guess as has been said here, read, but being a total beginner is not always a help as many of the info here is for those allready in the knowlege of robotics, or electronics, not a total beginner.
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Post by evaderdjo » Wed Apr 14, 2010 1:28 am

Post by evaderdjo
Wed Apr 14, 2010 1:28 am

Robotics is not for quitters.

Click the 'Search' link at the top of this page and type in the word 'flashing' or 'blinking'. Take 30 minutes to read the solution to your problem. If that is too much effort, then perhaps robotics is not for you.
Robotics is not for quitters.

Click the 'Search' link at the top of this page and type in the word 'flashing' or 'blinking'. Take 30 minutes to read the solution to your problem. If that is too much effort, then perhaps robotics is not for you.
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Big problems

Post by denodan » Wed Apr 14, 2010 7:49 am

Post by denodan
Wed Apr 14, 2010 7:49 am

Connected Robonova to my old computer, which has a serial port, so the serial port works. Try any program in the templates and nothing. The blue light still blinks, the Robot gives a small twitch, as though it's moving slightly, or wants to then nothing, still flashes blue when connected to computer.

The guy has not used it for ages so doubt it's been charged. He cliamed the battery used to last 30 mins, but now nothing. Is it possible the battery is stuffed?

It seems to want to do the moves using the basic scripts I downloaded, ran and downloaded to the robot, but only starts to move slightly, like just bends slightly at the legs.

When I turn the robot on, he stands ok, but of coruse the blue flashing light.

I turned him on once and nearly pinched my finger, theses things are strong. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Connected Robonova to my old computer, which has a serial port, so the serial port works. Try any program in the templates and nothing. The blue light still blinks, the Robot gives a small twitch, as though it's moving slightly, or wants to then nothing, still flashes blue when connected to computer.

The guy has not used it for ages so doubt it's been charged. He cliamed the battery used to last 30 mins, but now nothing. Is it possible the battery is stuffed?

It seems to want to do the moves using the basic scripts I downloaded, ran and downloaded to the robot, but only starts to move slightly, like just bends slightly at the legs.

When I turn the robot on, he stands ok, but of coruse the blue flashing light.

I turned him on once and nearly pinched my finger, theses things are strong. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Post by denodan » Wed Apr 14, 2010 8:55 am

Post by denodan
Wed Apr 14, 2010 8:55 am

Seems the battery is putting out 6.54 volts, just tested it, so seems Robonova is stuffed. Fixing is it beyond me if it's electronics. Looks like I may have to throw it out, it's no good, and I cannot fix it. Seems like it's not the battery.
Seems the battery is putting out 6.54 volts, just tested it, so seems Robonova is stuffed. Fixing is it beyond me if it's electronics. Looks like I may have to throw it out, it's no good, and I cannot fix it. Seems like it's not the battery.
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Re: Stuffed?

Post by denodan » Wed Apr 14, 2010 9:21 am

Post by denodan
Wed Apr 14, 2010 9:21 am

denodan wrote:Seems the battery is putting out 6.54 volts, just tested it, so seems Robonova is stuffed. Fixing is it beyond me if it's electronics. Looks like I may have to throw it out, it's no good, and I cannot fix it. Seems like it's not the battery.

Is there any members here from New Zealand? If so would like to send my Robonova to you, in hope you can fix it for me, which seems more like some compontant and it's beyond me to fix it. Not into electronics at all.

So anyone from New Zealand can help get it working for me, would be very greatful. Else is just a piece of junk to me, useless.

I need someone who I can send it to and have it fixed. Will pay for parts needed.
denodan wrote:Seems the battery is putting out 6.54 volts, just tested it, so seems Robonova is stuffed. Fixing is it beyond me if it's electronics. Looks like I may have to throw it out, it's no good, and I cannot fix it. Seems like it's not the battery.

Is there any members here from New Zealand? If so would like to send my Robonova to you, in hope you can fix it for me, which seems more like some compontant and it's beyond me to fix it. Not into electronics at all.

So anyone from New Zealand can help get it working for me, would be very greatful. Else is just a piece of junk to me, useless.

I need someone who I can send it to and have it fixed. Will pay for parts needed.
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Post by i-Bot » Wed Apr 14, 2010 9:50 am

Post by i-Bot
Wed Apr 14, 2010 9:50 am

What happens in the direct motor control and robot motor control windows of Robobasic ? Can you move individual servos ?
What happens in the direct motor control and robot motor control windows of Robobasic ? Can you move individual servos ?
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Post by denodan » Wed Apr 14, 2010 7:32 pm

Post by denodan
Wed Apr 14, 2010 7:32 pm

i-Bot wrote:What happens in the direct motor control and robot motor control windows of Robobasic ? Can you move individual servos ?

Have not tried that yet, but if I put Robonova in any postion at all and turn it on. All Servos work and all are smooth in operation.
i-Bot wrote:What happens in the direct motor control and robot motor control windows of Robobasic ? Can you move individual servos ?

Have not tried that yet, but if I put Robonova in any postion at all and turn it on. All Servos work and all are smooth in operation.
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Post by i-Bot » Wed Apr 14, 2010 8:04 pm

Post by i-Bot
Wed Apr 14, 2010 8:04 pm

If your Blue LED is flashing and the servos moving, it is unlikely, your processor is broken.
Does the battery voltage drop significantly when the servos move ?
Try the direct control of the servos.
If your Blue LED is flashing and the servos moving, it is unlikely, your processor is broken.
Does the battery voltage drop significantly when the servos move ?
Try the direct control of the servos.
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Post by denodan » Mon Apr 19, 2010 8:06 am

Post by denodan
Mon Apr 19, 2010 8:06 am

i-Bot wrote:If your Blue LED is flashing and the servos moving, it is unlikely, your processor is broken.
Does the battery voltage drop significantly when the servos move ?
Try the direct control of the servos.

Just tried the script mode to try and move the servos using the sliders. Seems Left Arm 9,10,11 and Right Arm 15,16,17 are not responding when moving the sliders.

Seems everything else is working apart from those mentioned above. The legs, etc work, just problems with the above postions.

The guy I got ot off must have known it was faulty? He claimed it worked one month before he sold it, but doubt it, with problems like this going on it was obvious the Robot did not work when he sold it.
i-Bot wrote:If your Blue LED is flashing and the servos moving, it is unlikely, your processor is broken.
Does the battery voltage drop significantly when the servos move ?
Try the direct control of the servos.

Just tried the script mode to try and move the servos using the sliders. Seems Left Arm 9,10,11 and Right Arm 15,16,17 are not responding when moving the sliders.

Seems everything else is working apart from those mentioned above. The legs, etc work, just problems with the above postions.

The guy I got ot off must have known it was faulty? He claimed it worked one month before he sold it, but doubt it, with problems like this going on it was obvious the Robot did not work when he sold it.
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Post by i-Bot » Mon Apr 19, 2010 10:43 am

Post by i-Bot
Mon Apr 19, 2010 10:43 am

Check against the manual that those servos are plugged in the right place, and the servo plugs are the right way round.
Check against the manual that those servos are plugged in the right place, and the servo plugs are the right way round.
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Post by denodan » Mon Apr 19, 2010 10:53 am

Post by denodan
Mon Apr 19, 2010 10:53 am

i-Bot wrote:Check against the manual that those servos are plugged in the right place, and the servo plugs are the right way round.

Strange I don't know why they would not be the right place, when I got it allready built up and the guy claimed it was going? It has been used?

So wonder why I would need to check this?
i-Bot wrote:Check against the manual that those servos are plugged in the right place, and the servo plugs are the right way round.

Strange I don't know why they would not be the right place, when I got it allready built up and the guy claimed it was going? It has been used?

So wonder why I would need to check this?
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Post by i-Bot » Mon Apr 19, 2010 11:37 am

Post by i-Bot
Mon Apr 19, 2010 11:37 am

It is very strange that those sets of servos do not work. plugs can come loose.
You could try swapping a servo between leg and arm to find if servo or controller problem.
It is very strange that those sets of servos do not work. plugs can come loose.
You could try swapping a servo between leg and arm to find if servo or controller problem.
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Post by i-Bot » Mon Apr 19, 2010 11:39 am

Post by i-Bot
Mon Apr 19, 2010 11:39 am

Hang about, there are only 3 servos per arm ! Are you looking for 6 ?
Hang about, there are only 3 servos per arm ! Are you looking for 6 ?
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