by i-Bot » Fri Dec 10, 2010 6:57 pm
by i-Bot
Fri Dec 10, 2010 6:57 pm
I have a head servo and a fairly heavy head with LCD display, but still use the standard get up routines.
When I have had problems on other robots to stand up, it has either been due to friction (especially on carpet) when sliding hands rather than a straight lift, or not having enough arm length to tip the centre of mass of the robot over the pivot point.
I suggest you remove the camera and observe very carefully the standard stand up to understand how the centre of mass shifts during the move, this should help you to modify that move.
The move is actually quick complex in the weight shift and not easy to achieve through catch and play because it depends on the dynamic movement. On mine it does not work if I step throught the individual moves, but works as a complete motion.
The only alternative environment I have seen was this:
but never tried it.
I have a head servo and a fairly heavy head with LCD display, but still use the standard get up routines.
When I have had problems on other robots to stand up, it has either been due to friction (especially on carpet) when sliding hands rather than a straight lift, or not having enough arm length to tip the centre of mass of the robot over the pivot point.
I suggest you remove the camera and observe very carefully the standard stand up to understand how the centre of mass shifts during the move, this should help you to modify that move.
The move is actually quick complex in the weight shift and not easy to achieve through catch and play because it depends on the dynamic movement. On mine it does not work if I step throught the individual moves, but works as a complete motion.
The only alternative environment I have seen was this:
but never tried it.