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questions about bluetooth

Hitec robotics including ROBONOVA humanoid, HSR-8498HB servos, MR C-3024 Controllers and RoboBasic
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questions about bluetooth

Post by aguiloco » Thu Dec 21, 2006 7:23 pm

Post by aguiloco
Thu Dec 21, 2006 7:23 pm

Hi, I´m thinking about to get a bluetooth module to my RN-1, but have any questions:

Will I can download .bas programs to the controller without serial cable using bluetooth?

What is the best module for the RN-1?

How about installation? Is hard to install? I will need something more than the bluetooth module?

That module can be user for more than emulate the standart IR controller?
Hi, I´m thinking about to get a bluetooth module to my RN-1, but have any questions:

Will I can download .bas programs to the controller without serial cable using bluetooth?

What is the best module for the RN-1?

How about installation? Is hard to install? I will need something more than the bluetooth module?

That module can be user for more than emulate the standart IR controller?
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Post by Bullit » Fri Dec 22, 2006 5:02 am

Post by Bullit
Fri Dec 22, 2006 5:02 am

auiloco, bluetooth is a nice addition to the RN-1. I have bluetooth in mine and use my cell phone to control it rather than the ir controller. I use a bluegiga module that requires 3.3 volts so I changed the 5 volt regulator on th mr-c3024 to a 3.3 volt one to support the bluegiga module and an accelerometer. A simpler alternative is to use the 5 volt sparkfun bluesmirf module Unfortunately it does not take the place of the cable for reprogramming and catch and play with robobasic. Its pretty easy to install you'll find lots of details here in other posts if you search. Only some basic wiring is required for the bluesmirf module and it fits under the rear cover nicely with all the wires. Some of the hardest parts are to reprogram the module not to spit out connection information on startup. Commands received from the bluetooth module / serial port are much more reliable then the ir commands. I found that with the ir controller occasionally my rn-1 wouldn't respond when I pressed a button or performed the wrong sequence. This doesn't happen with the bluetooth connection. The bluetooth connection is also helpful in that your robot can send information back to your pc or phone in my case to help debug things or just get robot status such as tilt from an accelerometer.

Another alternative is the zigbee modules. Dan Albert and some others here have experimented with them and I believe Dan Albert created some PS-2 zigbee controllers for rn-1's for robogames this year.

There is good news on being able to reprogram the rn-1 via bluetooth (or zigbee) thanks to i-bot and Dan Albert the rn-1 is now an open book and we can change the core operating program to use just a single serial port at one baud rate. This wouldn't work with the current robobasic PC interface but we can write our own to replace its functionality.
auiloco, bluetooth is a nice addition to the RN-1. I have bluetooth in mine and use my cell phone to control it rather than the ir controller. I use a bluegiga module that requires 3.3 volts so I changed the 5 volt regulator on th mr-c3024 to a 3.3 volt one to support the bluegiga module and an accelerometer. A simpler alternative is to use the 5 volt sparkfun bluesmirf module Unfortunately it does not take the place of the cable for reprogramming and catch and play with robobasic. Its pretty easy to install you'll find lots of details here in other posts if you search. Only some basic wiring is required for the bluesmirf module and it fits under the rear cover nicely with all the wires. Some of the hardest parts are to reprogram the module not to spit out connection information on startup. Commands received from the bluetooth module / serial port are much more reliable then the ir commands. I found that with the ir controller occasionally my rn-1 wouldn't respond when I pressed a button or performed the wrong sequence. This doesn't happen with the bluetooth connection. The bluetooth connection is also helpful in that your robot can send information back to your pc or phone in my case to help debug things or just get robot status such as tilt from an accelerometer.

Another alternative is the zigbee modules. Dan Albert and some others here have experimented with them and I believe Dan Albert created some PS-2 zigbee controllers for rn-1's for robogames this year.

There is good news on being able to reprogram the rn-1 via bluetooth (or zigbee) thanks to i-bot and Dan Albert the rn-1 is now an open book and we can change the core operating program to use just a single serial port at one baud rate. This wouldn't work with the current robobasic PC interface but we can write our own to replace its functionality.
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Post by Humanoido » Fri Dec 22, 2006 7:22 am

Post by Humanoido
Fri Dec 22, 2006 7:22 am

A simpler alternative is to use the 5 volt sparkfun bluesmirf module Unfortunately it does not take the place of the cable for reprogramming and catch and play with robobasic.

With all of this technology, why can't it replace a serial cable, pin for pin?
I mean, we've landed a man on the Moon, c'mon. :-)

A simpler alternative is to use the 5 volt sparkfun bluesmirf module Unfortunately it does not take the place of the cable for reprogramming and catch and play with robobasic.

With all of this technology, why can't it replace a serial cable, pin for pin?
I mean, we've landed a man on the Moon, c'mon. :-)

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Post by Ric » Fri Dec 22, 2006 1:04 pm

Post by Ric
Fri Dec 22, 2006 1:04 pm

Humanoido wrote:
With all of this technology, why can't it replace a serial cable, pin for pin?
I mean, we've landed a man on the Moon, c'mon. :-)


That's open to debate Human, though not here I might add :wink:

Humanoido wrote:
With all of this technology, why can't it replace a serial cable, pin for pin?
I mean, we've landed a man on the Moon, c'mon. :-)


That's open to debate Human, though not here I might add :wink:

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Post by Ric » Fri Dec 22, 2006 1:12 pm

Post by Ric
Fri Dec 22, 2006 1:12 pm

........hey...you've just helped me pick a 'signature', I've never used one of these before :)

........hey...you've just helped me pick a 'signature', I've never used one of these before :)

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Post by hivemind » Fri Dec 22, 2006 3:01 pm

Post by hivemind
Fri Dec 22, 2006 3:01 pm

Humanoido wrote:why can't it replace a serial cable, pin for pin?

The issue with this is the change in baud rate. Unless the bootloader is changed and robobasic is changed this cannot work. Both could be hacked to use a single baud rate. It would definitely make things easier using bluetooth for all that communication. Just like the Robotis CM-boards... But as of right now this is unfortunetly a no go.

Humanoido wrote:why can't it replace a serial cable, pin for pin?

The issue with this is the change in baud rate. Unless the bootloader is changed and robobasic is changed this cannot work. Both could be hacked to use a single baud rate. It would definitely make things easier using bluetooth for all that communication. Just like the Robotis CM-boards... But as of right now this is unfortunetly a no go.

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Post by i-Bot » Fri Dec 22, 2006 3:14 pm

Post by i-Bot
Fri Dec 22, 2006 3:14 pm

I did replace the serial cable with bluetooth earlier this year. There were problems and the result was not good.

For the physical interface I added a couple of N MOSFETS to invert the Tx and RX signals to the jack socket and used the Sparkfun board.

Since the download changes the speed from the normal 9600 to 115K, then I built a new C3024 code image that keeps the speed at 115K all the time. It does not matter that the PC changes speed, so long as the remote bluetooth stays at 115K. I used a USB bluetooth stick in the PC.

Two problems, first the setup seems erratic to start up, I think this is maybe due to the initial string sent by the blue tooth module.

More important is was very very slow. Serial protocol PC to C3024 is a char by char protocol, waiting at each end for char received before sending, This did not appear to work well with the bluetooth setup.

Since I wanted to retain the Roboasic, then I could not change the protocol. Change to the protocol is not simple, due to the way the C3024 code spends long periods (mS) in the interrupt routines.

I played around with the bluetooth configuration, but did not resolve these two problems. I finally configured the Sparkfun, so I couldn't configure it any more ! I anyone wants to try further, then I will post the 115K code.
I did replace the serial cable with bluetooth earlier this year. There were problems and the result was not good.

For the physical interface I added a couple of N MOSFETS to invert the Tx and RX signals to the jack socket and used the Sparkfun board.

Since the download changes the speed from the normal 9600 to 115K, then I built a new C3024 code image that keeps the speed at 115K all the time. It does not matter that the PC changes speed, so long as the remote bluetooth stays at 115K. I used a USB bluetooth stick in the PC.

Two problems, first the setup seems erratic to start up, I think this is maybe due to the initial string sent by the blue tooth module.

More important is was very very slow. Serial protocol PC to C3024 is a char by char protocol, waiting at each end for char received before sending, This did not appear to work well with the bluetooth setup.

Since I wanted to retain the Roboasic, then I could not change the protocol. Change to the protocol is not simple, due to the way the C3024 code spends long periods (mS) in the interrupt routines.

I played around with the bluetooth configuration, but did not resolve these two problems. I finally configured the Sparkfun, so I couldn't configure it any more ! I anyone wants to try further, then I will post the 115K code.
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Post by aguiloco » Fri Dec 22, 2006 5:36 pm

Post by aguiloco
Fri Dec 22, 2006 5:36 pm

thanks! a lot of information about bluetooth. I will have to continue using the cable to download programs, use bluetooth seems to be complicated.

What bluetooth module recommends to me?
Robonova.de--> 139€
Bluesmirf--> 60$
Another one?-->???
thanks! a lot of information about bluetooth. I will have to continue using the cable to download programs, use bluetooth seems to be complicated.

What bluetooth module recommends to me?
Robonova.de--> 139€
Bluesmirf--> 60$
Another one?-->???
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Post by Pev » Sat Dec 23, 2006 2:34 pm

Post by Pev
Sat Dec 23, 2006 2:34 pm


Haven't tried the RoboNova Bluetooth but a lot of us have used the BlueSmirf and you will find a fair bit of info in the forums for that one


Haven't tried the RoboNova Bluetooth but a lot of us have used the BlueSmirf and you will find a fair bit of info in the forums for that one

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Post by Humanoido » Wed Dec 27, 2006 11:20 am

Post by Humanoido
Wed Dec 27, 2006 11:20 am

I see the new IBM T60 series computers have Bluetooth built in. Has anyone gone this route (or similar) with a BlueSmirf from Sparkfun (or other module)?

I see the new IBM T60 series computers have Bluetooth built in. Has anyone gone this route (or similar) with a BlueSmirf from Sparkfun (or other module)?

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Post by aguiloco » Wed Dec 27, 2006 4:53 pm

Post by aguiloco
Wed Dec 27, 2006 4:53 pm

I have an IBM T40 and it have bluetooth integred too, this will work with bluesmirf or I need an specific USB-Bluetooth adapter???
I have an IBM T40 and it have bluetooth integred too, this will work with bluesmirf or I need an specific USB-Bluetooth adapter???
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Post by zenguy » Fri Dec 29, 2006 11:30 am

Post by zenguy
Fri Dec 29, 2006 11:30 am

LOL, don't tell me that old myth is still being debated?

Ric wrote:
Humanoido wrote:
With all of this technology, why can't it replace a serial cable, pin for pin?
I mean, we've landed a man on the Moon, c'mon. :-)


That's open to debate Human, though not here I might add :wink:

LOL, don't tell me that old myth is still being debated?

Ric wrote:
Humanoido wrote:
With all of this technology, why can't it replace a serial cable, pin for pin?
I mean, we've landed a man on the Moon, c'mon. :-)


That's open to debate Human, though not here I might add :wink:

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Post by Pev » Fri Dec 29, 2006 12:58 pm

Post by Pev
Fri Dec 29, 2006 12:58 pm

Hi All,

I have used both built in bluetooth in my PDA to Bluesmirf and MSI and ActionTec bluetooth dongles on a laptop and the built in Bluetooth on my Samsung Q1 - all with no problems.

Hope this helps

Hi All,

I have used both built in bluetooth in my PDA to Bluesmirf and MSI and ActionTec bluetooth dongles on a laptop and the built in Bluetooth on my Samsung Q1 - all with no problems.

Hope this helps

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Post by Humanoido » Sun Dec 31, 2006 10:03 am

Post by Humanoido
Sun Dec 31, 2006 10:03 am

Pev, that does help, thank you. I got the IBM ThinkPad for Christmas! The wireless had problems and kept disconnecting. Once the wireless drivers were downloaded and reinstalled, the problem disappeared. Now it seems to have a reception problem. The received signal is reported by the software as weak. Maybe the antenna is internally disconnected. I'll need to investigate. My goal is still a pin-for-pin compatible serial RS-232 cable replacement using wireless bluetooth.
Pev, that does help, thank you. I got the IBM ThinkPad for Christmas! The wireless had problems and kept disconnecting. Once the wireless drivers were downloaded and reinstalled, the problem disappeared. Now it seems to have a reception problem. The received signal is reported by the software as weak. Maybe the antenna is internally disconnected. I'll need to investigate. My goal is still a pin-for-pin compatible serial RS-232 cable replacement using wireless bluetooth.
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Post by aguiloco » Thu Sep 20, 2007 7:33 pm

Post by aguiloco
Thu Sep 20, 2007 7:33 pm

hi again! before a few months inmerse in other kind of projects I start "playing" again with my RN1!

Now I´m triying to get continous movements like run and turn without stops using the standart IR, but I cant program it to work... maybe my poor programing level is the fault....

When RN1 reads the IR signals allways kill the motion for a moment...

If I use a BlueSmirf could be posible to get continous movements?
hi again! before a few months inmerse in other kind of projects I start "playing" again with my RN1!

Now I´m triying to get continous movements like run and turn without stops using the standart IR, but I cant program it to work... maybe my poor programing level is the fault....

When RN1 reads the IR signals allways kill the motion for a moment...

If I use a BlueSmirf could be posible to get continous movements?
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