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questions about bluetooth

Hitec robotics including ROBONOVA humanoid, HSR-8498HB servos, MR C-3024 Controllers and RoboBasic
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Post by Pev » Sat Sep 22, 2007 10:49 am

Post by Pev
Sat Sep 22, 2007 10:49 am

aguiloco wrote:hi again! before a few months inmerse in other kind of projects I start "playing" again with my RN1!

Now I´m triying to get continous movements like run and turn without stops using the standart IR, but I cant program it to work... maybe my poor programing level is the fault....

When RN1 reads the IR signals allways kill the motion for a moment...

If I use a BlueSmirf could be posible to get continous movements?


Yes I think it would be easier with Bluetooth as the bluetooth module I am using buffers incoming commands (its a bluesmirf). There is a bit about the code for continuous walking here http://www.bipedrobots.co.uk/rnindex.aspx?id=310 that may help

aguiloco wrote:hi again! before a few months inmerse in other kind of projects I start "playing" again with my RN1!

Now I´m triying to get continous movements like run and turn without stops using the standart IR, but I cant program it to work... maybe my poor programing level is the fault....

When RN1 reads the IR signals allways kill the motion for a moment...

If I use a BlueSmirf could be posible to get continous movements?


Yes I think it would be easier with Bluetooth as the bluetooth module I am using buffers incoming commands (its a bluesmirf). There is a bit about the code for continuous walking here http://www.bipedrobots.co.uk/rnindex.aspx?id=310 that may help

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Post by limor » Sat Sep 22, 2007 4:16 pm

Post by limor
Sat Sep 22, 2007 4:16 pm

Hi, pleas see some RN1 bluetooth related links at RoboSavvy Knowledgebase
Please also see some bluetooth modules sold at RoboSavvy Store
Hi, pleas see some RN1 bluetooth related links at RoboSavvy Knowledgebase
Please also see some bluetooth modules sold at RoboSavvy Store
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Post by Pev » Sun Sep 23, 2007 6:41 pm

Post by Pev
Sun Sep 23, 2007 6:41 pm

limor wrote:Hi, pleas see some RN1 bluetooth related links at RoboSavvy Knowledgebase
Please also see some bluetooth modules sold at RoboSavvy Store

Get My Bluesmirfs from RoboSavvy and the service is excellent (just thought I'd mention that :D )

limor wrote:Hi, pleas see some RN1 bluetooth related links at RoboSavvy Knowledgebase
Please also see some bluetooth modules sold at RoboSavvy Store

Get My Bluesmirfs from RoboSavvy and the service is excellent (just thought I'd mention that :D )

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Post by aguiloco » Sat Oct 27, 2007 9:12 am

Post by aguiloco
Sat Oct 27, 2007 9:12 am

I got my Blusmirf! Thats funny, now I can manage the RN-1 using a camera around all my home! I try the great Bauér´s Mechpuppeteer and respond very fast, and the buffer orders do the movements control easily.

Now I have more question, because I want to control it with my PDA in WM2005, I try the program for PPC2003 and doesnt work because it only left me to select the comport nº 3, and my exit port at the PDA is nº 6. How can I controll the RN-1 with the PDA? There is some forms to control it using the PC?
I got my Blusmirf! Thats funny, now I can manage the RN-1 using a camera around all my home! I try the great Bauér´s Mechpuppeteer and respond very fast, and the buffer orders do the movements control easily.

Now I have more question, because I want to control it with my PDA in WM2005, I try the program for PPC2003 and doesnt work because it only left me to select the comport nº 3, and my exit port at the PDA is nº 6. How can I controll the RN-1 with the PDA? There is some forms to control it using the PC?
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Post by Pev » Sun Oct 28, 2007 8:22 pm

Post by Pev
Sun Oct 28, 2007 8:22 pm

aguiloco wrote:I got my Blusmirf! Thats funny, now I can manage the RN-1 using a camera around all my home! I try the great Bauér´s Mechpuppeteer and respond very fast, and the buffer orders do the movements control easily.

Now I have more question, because I want to control it with my PDA in WM2005, I try the program for PPC2003 and doesnt work because it only left me to select the comport nº 3, and my exit port at the PDA is nº 6. How can I controll the RN-1 with the PDA? There is some forms to control it using the PC?


I had the same issue when I advanced to WM2005 but have altered the code for the app to allow any com port to be manually typed in rather than it just being the list. Give me a day or two and I'll dig it out and post it for you.

aguiloco wrote:I got my Blusmirf! Thats funny, now I can manage the RN-1 using a camera around all my home! I try the great Bauér´s Mechpuppeteer and respond very fast, and the buffer orders do the movements control easily.

Now I have more question, because I want to control it with my PDA in WM2005, I try the program for PPC2003 and doesnt work because it only left me to select the comport nº 3, and my exit port at the PDA is nº 6. How can I controll the RN-1 with the PDA? There is some forms to control it using the PC?


I had the same issue when I advanced to WM2005 but have altered the code for the app to allow any com port to be manually typed in rather than it just being the list. Give me a day or two and I'll dig it out and post it for you.

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Post by Pev » Sun Oct 28, 2007 9:58 pm

Post by Pev
Sun Oct 28, 2007 9:58 pm

Hi Again,

Think this is the right one - it has a text box for the COM port rather than an enumerated list so will let you enter any port you like so in your case that would be COM6.

Am pretty sure this is the right code but as I always say I can't test every variations so please backup before installing.



Hi Again,

Think this is the right one - it has a text box for the COM port rather than an enumerated list so will let you enter any port you like so in your case that would be COM6.

Am pretty sure this is the right code but as I always say I can't test every variations so please backup before installing.



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Post by aguiloco » Sun Oct 28, 2007 10:33 pm

Post by aguiloco
Sun Oct 28, 2007 10:33 pm

Pev... YOU ARE MY HERO!!! that works perfect! I was start thinking about to buy an old PPC to control the RN, but now I can use my own.

Pev... YOU ARE MY HERO!!! that works perfect! I was start thinking about to buy an old PPC to control the RN, but now I can use my own.

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Post by Pev » Mon Oct 29, 2007 12:27 am

Post by Pev
Mon Oct 29, 2007 12:27 am

Excellent - am glad it is working for you. Do let me know if you have any suggestions as I am considering a full re-write of the app between now and the new year.

Already have a few suggestions but would be happy to look at anything you think is lacking

Excellent - am glad it is working for you. Do let me know if you have any suggestions as I am considering a full re-write of the app between now and the new year.

Already have a few suggestions but would be happy to look at anything you think is lacking

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Post by aguiloco » Mon Oct 29, 2007 9:34 pm

Post by aguiloco
Mon Oct 29, 2007 9:34 pm

mmm... really at this moment the aplication´s functions are OK to manage the RN at the small PDA screen, maybe the option of change the colour of any button and his fount would be good to differentiate faster between attacks and movements for example.

What are your suggestions to make this program better?

mmm... really at this moment the aplication´s functions are OK to manage the RN at the small PDA screen, maybe the option of change the colour of any button and his fount would be good to differentiate faster between attacks and movements for example.

What are your suggestions to make this program better?

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Post by Pev » Mon Oct 29, 2007 11:56 pm

Post by Pev
Mon Oct 29, 2007 11:56 pm

I like the idea of background colours and fonts to differentiate the functions.

I have already been asked to do a tabbed interface to allow more than 27 buttons in the app. and I want to try and get a better editor for the button definitions, maybe a more graphical one.

I like the idea of background colours and fonts to differentiate the functions.

I have already been asked to do a tabbed interface to allow more than 27 buttons in the app. and I want to try and get a better editor for the button definitions, maybe a more graphical one.

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Post by aguiloco » Tue Oct 30, 2007 8:07 pm

Post by aguiloco
Tue Oct 30, 2007 8:07 pm

Add more butons is allways a good option. What about to use the other PDA´s butons to send orders like the actual program do with the cursors?
Add more butons is allways a good option. What about to use the other PDA´s butons to send orders like the actual program do with the cursors?
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