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RoboBasic V2.5

Hitec robotics including ROBONOVA humanoid, HSR-8498HB servos, MR C-3024 Controllers and RoboBasic
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RoboBasic V2.5

Post by Greeksta89 » Tue Jan 01, 2013 5:56 pm

Post by Greeksta89
Tue Jan 01, 2013 5:56 pm

Hello all, I am a complete newbie to this!!

I have had a Robonova-1 for xmas, 2nd hand, so it is already built up. It also came with a wireless Playstation style controller which i believe to be a MR-C3024.

1) How do i check that it is the controller i mentioned above?

2) RoboBASIC v2.5 has been installed on my computer, it will open and i can operate things like "set zero points" and "Robonova motor control" and can see the controller information.
However, it will not let open any of the template (.bas) files already saved on the disc and will not open a new program file.

I am using Windows 7.. Does this affect anything ??
Any advice??

Hello all, I am a complete newbie to this!!

I have had a Robonova-1 for xmas, 2nd hand, so it is already built up. It also came with a wireless Playstation style controller which i believe to be a MR-C3024.

1) How do i check that it is the controller i mentioned above?

2) RoboBASIC v2.5 has been installed on my computer, it will open and i can operate things like "set zero points" and "Robonova motor control" and can see the controller information.
However, it will not let open any of the template (.bas) files already saved on the disc and will not open a new program file.

I am using Windows 7.. Does this affect anything ??
Any advice??

Robot Builder
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Post by PaulL » Tue Jan 01, 2013 9:56 pm

Post by PaulL
Tue Jan 01, 2013 9:56 pm

The MR-C3024 is a servo controller, a control board (his brains) that is mounted to the back of the bot under the black back covering.

If you have a PS2-style controller, this is not a stock controller - someone added this. In stock form, the RN-1 has a TV remote-style controller.

If you post a picture of the controller and the back of the bot with the back cover off (4 screws hold the back cover on), we can provide more info.

You'll want to check out http://robosavvy.com/site/index.php?option=com_openwiki&id=wiki:robonova-i_faq, there is a lot of information about the RN-1 there in one place. There is also info about Win7 64 bit.

As a new user, first thing I would recommend is to study the RN-1 carefully, note how the wires are routed and where they go, how the parts are mounted, etc. Pay close attention to the wires, they can literally get chewed up by the bot itself if they get in the wrong place. Also, you might find the RN-1's battery a bit weak, depending on treatment and use - they've been around for a while now, and I can tell you I have at least 1 battery pack that has gone bad (from a 2nd hand bot off ebay).
The MR-C3024 is a servo controller, a control board (his brains) that is mounted to the back of the bot under the black back covering.

If you have a PS2-style controller, this is not a stock controller - someone added this. In stock form, the RN-1 has a TV remote-style controller.

If you post a picture of the controller and the back of the bot with the back cover off (4 screws hold the back cover on), we can provide more info.

You'll want to check out http://robosavvy.com/site/index.php?option=com_openwiki&id=wiki:robonova-i_faq, there is a lot of information about the RN-1 there in one place. There is also info about Win7 64 bit.

As a new user, first thing I would recommend is to study the RN-1 carefully, note how the wires are routed and where they go, how the parts are mounted, etc. Pay close attention to the wires, they can literally get chewed up by the bot itself if they get in the wrong place. Also, you might find the RN-1's battery a bit weak, depending on treatment and use - they've been around for a while now, and I can tell you I have at least 1 battery pack that has gone bad (from a 2nd hand bot off ebay).
Savvy Roboteer
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Software for ROBONOVA

Post by pumats » Wed Jan 02, 2013 6:48 pm

Post by pumats
Wed Jan 02, 2013 6:48 pm


I'm new of this forum, so I briefly introduce myself: I've just retired , I designed control software for big telescopes in my past life, and decided to afford to build robots, just to remain in the same neighborhood!.
My main problem is to find good, and working, templates to load onto the bot, so as to start to play with them and to adapt them to my needs (I got also a bunch of add-ons for it).
I found this very difficult, in the old posts there are a lot of interesting proposal, but at the end there is no code, even if people say "I made this and will post later ...", the thread ends without any attachment.
Could someone give me some indications to where find good RoboBasic templates?
Thanks in advance for any help!


I'm new of this forum, so I briefly introduce myself: I've just retired , I designed control software for big telescopes in my past life, and decided to afford to build robots, just to remain in the same neighborhood!.
My main problem is to find good, and working, templates to load onto the bot, so as to start to play with them and to adapt them to my needs (I got also a bunch of add-ons for it).
I found this very difficult, in the old posts there are a lot of interesting proposal, but at the end there is no code, even if people say "I made this and will post later ...", the thread ends without any attachment.
Could someone give me some indications to where find good RoboBasic templates?
Thanks in advance for any help!

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Joined: Tue Nov 20, 2012 6:53 pm

Post by Greeksta89 » Wed Jan 02, 2013 6:53 pm

Post by Greeksta89
Wed Jan 02, 2013 6:53 pm

Thank you for that, I will definitely be reading through that forum later.

I have took a couple of pictures like you asked, tell me if you need anything else and any and all information is much appreciated!!

It wouldn't allow me to add links or images ?? I've Direct messaged them to you

Thank you for that, I will definitely be reading through that forum later.

I have took a couple of pictures like you asked, tell me if you need anything else and any and all information is much appreciated!!

It wouldn't allow me to add links or images ?? I've Direct messaged them to you

Robot Builder
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Post by PaulL » Thu Jan 03, 2013 8:56 am

Post by PaulL
Thu Jan 03, 2013 8:56 am


I just copied the URL off the image (right click, properties) after going to "All Sizes" on flickr, then used the img tags (buttons in reply editor here) to display here. Perhaps someone here may recognize the work. :)

Your images:




That's someone's custom work. In the Robosavvy Wiki page for the RN-1, there is a section regarding the PS2 controller mod. That's not the stock remote control, but your main board is a MR-C3024. Looks like they did a nice job. Also has grippers, they're not stock either. :)

Perhaps i-bot or another forum user will chime in and provide further detail. :)


It's similar work, just using an entirely different platform. :) In a nutshell, my day job centers around implementations using an application I wrote that runs manufacturing processes. It's like a SCADA system, except that it runs lock-step with multiple PLC's. I work closely with the guys that do PLC work (drives, motors, sensors, it's all the same stuff). I also work with industrial vision systems, do machine network setup / administration, SQL server administration, intranet web development, etc, etc. Education and some past work is in electronics engineering. ;)

Best info I can provide is from that same Wiki page I posted above, towards the bottom is "contributed scripts". The one on the MR-C3024's I have are almost stock, nothing fancy. My bot-related work is largely focused on using my RN-1 with a PC-based controller. I have a Roboard RB-100, but will be purchasing an Intel Atom Z530 board and see if I can make that work.

Take Care,

I just copied the URL off the image (right click, properties) after going to "All Sizes" on flickr, then used the img tags (buttons in reply editor here) to display here. Perhaps someone here may recognize the work. :)

Your images:




That's someone's custom work. In the Robosavvy Wiki page for the RN-1, there is a section regarding the PS2 controller mod. That's not the stock remote control, but your main board is a MR-C3024. Looks like they did a nice job. Also has grippers, they're not stock either. :)

Perhaps i-bot or another forum user will chime in and provide further detail. :)


It's similar work, just using an entirely different platform. :) In a nutshell, my day job centers around implementations using an application I wrote that runs manufacturing processes. It's like a SCADA system, except that it runs lock-step with multiple PLC's. I work closely with the guys that do PLC work (drives, motors, sensors, it's all the same stuff). I also work with industrial vision systems, do machine network setup / administration, SQL server administration, intranet web development, etc, etc. Education and some past work is in electronics engineering. ;)

Best info I can provide is from that same Wiki page I posted above, towards the bottom is "contributed scripts". The one on the MR-C3024's I have are almost stock, nothing fancy. My bot-related work is largely focused on using my RN-1 with a PC-based controller. I have a Roboard RB-100, but will be purchasing an Intel Atom Z530 board and see if I can make that work.

Take Care,
Savvy Roboteer
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Post by serithseraki » Thu Jan 03, 2013 3:53 pm

Post by serithseraki
Thu Jan 03, 2013 3:53 pm

The PS2 controller looks to be the one provided briefly by Hitec specifically for the Robonova, although the receiver that mounts to the board looks to have been modified. If it works the same I have a sample code provided by Ostro that should get it working.
Code: Select all
'Template program for 2.4GHz wireless controller
'Hitec & Multiplex ROBONOVA-1
'by Ostrogoto0101

DIM buffer AS BYTE

ERX 19200, b, bemt1 'Empty the RX buffer
ERX 19200, b, bemt2
ERX 19200, a, bemt3 'Empty the RX buffer
ERX 19200, a, bemt4
ERX 19200, f, bemt5
ERX 19200, f,bemt6
ERX 19200, i, bemt7
ERX 19200, i,bemt8

'== motor diretion setting ======================
DIR G6A,1,0,0,1,0,0
DIR G6B,1,1,1,1,1,1
DIR G6C,0,0,0,0,0,0
DIR G6D,0,1,1,0,1,0

'== motor start position read ===================
GETMOTORSET G6A,1,1,1,1,1,0
GETMOTORSET G6B,1,1,1,0,0,0
GETMOTORSET G6C,1,1,1,0,0,0
GETMOTORSET G6D,1,1,1,1,1,0


'== motor power on =============================



GOSUB standard_pose

OUT 52,0
FPWM 2,1,0
char="a" 'Byte 0
ETX 19200,char 'Send character

ERX 19200,a,loop1 'Receive character

char="b" 'Byte 1
ETX 19200,char 'Send character

ERX 19200,b,loop2 'Receive character

ETX 19200,char
ERX 19200,e,loop3

ETX 19200,char

ERX 19200,f,loop4

GOTO movement

movement: 'Use single Bit

buffer = a.0
IF buffer = 0 THEN GOTO move14 'Select
buffer = a.1
IF buffer = 0 THEN GOTO move15 'L3
buffer = a.2
IF buffer = 0 THEN GOTO move16 'R3
buffer = a.3
IF buffer = 0 THEN GOTO move13 'Start
buffer = a.4
IF buffer = 0 THEN GOTO move1 'Up
buffer = a.5
IF buffer = 0 THEN GOTO move4 'Right
buffer = a.6
IF buffer = 0 THEN GOTO move2 'Down
buffer = a.7
IF buffer = 0 THEN GOTO move3 'Left

buffer = b.0
IF buffer = 0 THEN GOTO move12 'L2
buffer = b.1
IF buffer = 0 THEN GOTO move10 'R2
buffer = b.2
IF buffer = 0 THEN GOTO move11 'L1
buffer = b.3
IF buffer = 0 THEN GOTO move9 'R1
buffer = b.4
IF buffer = 0 THEN GOTO move6 'Triangle
buffer = b.5
IF buffer = 0 THEN GOTO move5 'Square
buffer = b.6
IF buffer = 0 THEN GOTO move8 'Cross
buffer = b.7
IF buffer = 0 THEN GOTO move7 'Circle

buffer = e

IF buffer <70> 180 THEN GOTO move4

buffer = F

IF buffer <70> 180 THEN GOTO move2

GOTO main

or you can move a servo using this command!

ETX 19200,char
ERX 19200,f,loop4a
SERVO 12,f

GOTO movement


buffer =f

GOTO main
The PS2 controller looks to be the one provided briefly by Hitec specifically for the Robonova, although the receiver that mounts to the board looks to have been modified. If it works the same I have a sample code provided by Ostro that should get it working.
Code: Select all
'Template program for 2.4GHz wireless controller
'Hitec & Multiplex ROBONOVA-1
'by Ostrogoto0101

DIM buffer AS BYTE

ERX 19200, b, bemt1 'Empty the RX buffer
ERX 19200, b, bemt2
ERX 19200, a, bemt3 'Empty the RX buffer
ERX 19200, a, bemt4
ERX 19200, f, bemt5
ERX 19200, f,bemt6
ERX 19200, i, bemt7
ERX 19200, i,bemt8

'== motor diretion setting ======================
DIR G6A,1,0,0,1,0,0
DIR G6B,1,1,1,1,1,1
DIR G6C,0,0,0,0,0,0
DIR G6D,0,1,1,0,1,0

'== motor start position read ===================
GETMOTORSET G6A,1,1,1,1,1,0
GETMOTORSET G6B,1,1,1,0,0,0
GETMOTORSET G6C,1,1,1,0,0,0
GETMOTORSET G6D,1,1,1,1,1,0


'== motor power on =============================



GOSUB standard_pose

OUT 52,0
FPWM 2,1,0
char="a" 'Byte 0
ETX 19200,char 'Send character

ERX 19200,a,loop1 'Receive character

char="b" 'Byte 1
ETX 19200,char 'Send character

ERX 19200,b,loop2 'Receive character

ETX 19200,char
ERX 19200,e,loop3

ETX 19200,char

ERX 19200,f,loop4

GOTO movement

movement: 'Use single Bit

buffer = a.0
IF buffer = 0 THEN GOTO move14 'Select
buffer = a.1
IF buffer = 0 THEN GOTO move15 'L3
buffer = a.2
IF buffer = 0 THEN GOTO move16 'R3
buffer = a.3
IF buffer = 0 THEN GOTO move13 'Start
buffer = a.4
IF buffer = 0 THEN GOTO move1 'Up
buffer = a.5
IF buffer = 0 THEN GOTO move4 'Right
buffer = a.6
IF buffer = 0 THEN GOTO move2 'Down
buffer = a.7
IF buffer = 0 THEN GOTO move3 'Left

buffer = b.0
IF buffer = 0 THEN GOTO move12 'L2
buffer = b.1
IF buffer = 0 THEN GOTO move10 'R2
buffer = b.2
IF buffer = 0 THEN GOTO move11 'L1
buffer = b.3
IF buffer = 0 THEN GOTO move9 'R1
buffer = b.4
IF buffer = 0 THEN GOTO move6 'Triangle
buffer = b.5
IF buffer = 0 THEN GOTO move5 'Square
buffer = b.6
IF buffer = 0 THEN GOTO move8 'Cross
buffer = b.7
IF buffer = 0 THEN GOTO move7 'Circle

buffer = e

IF buffer <70> 180 THEN GOTO move4

buffer = F

IF buffer <70> 180 THEN GOTO move2

GOTO main

or you can move a servo using this command!

ETX 19200,char
ERX 19200,f,loop4a
SERVO 12,f

GOTO movement


buffer =f

GOTO main
Savvy Roboteer
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Posts: 75
Joined: Wed Oct 21, 2009 6:31 pm

Post by Greeksta89 » Sat Jan 05, 2013 9:24 pm

Post by Greeksta89
Sat Jan 05, 2013 9:24 pm

Whenever I load up RoboBasic V2.5 (with the robot connected to the laptop or not) It will not allow me to open a new program file or open any templates??

Whenever I load up RoboBasic V2.5 (with the robot connected to the laptop or not) It will not allow me to open a new program file or open any templates??

Robot Builder
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Post by PaulL » Sun Jan 06, 2013 5:15 am

Post by PaulL
Sun Jan 06, 2013 5:15 am

Have you checked out the link I posted to the wiki page, under the section "roboBasic on Windows 7? There is a link there to this thread: http://robosavvy.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1069. Do you get any error messages on opening? When you say it won't open files, what exactly does it do?
Have you checked out the link I posted to the wiki page, under the section "roboBasic on Windows 7? There is a link there to this thread: http://robosavvy.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1069. Do you get any error messages on opening? When you say it won't open files, what exactly does it do?
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Post by Greeksta89 » Sun Jan 20, 2013 7:49 pm

Post by Greeksta89
Sun Jan 20, 2013 7:49 pm

I've read quite a few different forums now, including the ones you posted.

I'm still having no luck with this!

I have downloaded the fix (.bat) file for windows 7 and ran it, but get an error message halfway through booting the file.

Also, i noticed that that fix for windows 7 is for RoboBASIC v2.72, i have V2.5. I cannot find V2.72 anywhere!

And to answer your question, when i try to create a new file or open a file already on the disc, nothing happens at all. The "open" dialogue box just disappears.

Really don't know what to do now as spent all that money for a product that doesn't work properly. Would Hitec themselves be able to help me as robobasic.com doesn't seem to be working?

Sorry for the super long post

I've read quite a few different forums now, including the ones you posted.

I'm still having no luck with this!

I have downloaded the fix (.bat) file for windows 7 and ran it, but get an error message halfway through booting the file.

Also, i noticed that that fix for windows 7 is for RoboBASIC v2.72, i have V2.5. I cannot find V2.72 anywhere!

And to answer your question, when i try to create a new file or open a file already on the disc, nothing happens at all. The "open" dialogue box just disappears.

Really don't know what to do now as spent all that money for a product that doesn't work properly. Would Hitec themselves be able to help me as robobasic.com doesn't seem to be working?

Sorry for the super long post

Robot Builder
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Post by ozfiddler » Tue Jan 22, 2013 6:10 am

Post by ozfiddler
Tue Jan 22, 2013 6:10 am

It might be worth trying an upgrade to v2.72.

Read this:


Let me know if you need a copy of Robobasic v2.72.
It might be worth trying an upgrade to v2.72.

Read this:


Let me know if you need a copy of Robobasic v2.72.
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Post by ozfiddler » Tue Jan 22, 2013 6:41 am

Post by ozfiddler
Tue Jan 22, 2013 6:41 am

Hi Luke, I've just set up a place where you can download v2.72. I'll try and add more stuff when I get time.

Hi Luke, I've just set up a place where you can download v2.72. I'll try and add more stuff when I get time.

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Post by Greeksta89 » Tue Jan 22, 2013 10:23 pm

Post by Greeksta89
Tue Jan 22, 2013 10:23 pm

Thank you ozfiddler, been looking everywhere for that!!

Sadly, even after installing V2.72, i still cannot create new program files or open program files :s

Really frustratin me now as had this christmas and still not got it to work properly.

Also, i can't seem to download commands to the wireless controller

Thank you ozfiddler, been looking everywhere for that!!

Sadly, even after installing V2.72, i still cannot create new program files or open program files :s

Really frustratin me now as had this christmas and still not got it to work properly.

Also, i can't seem to download commands to the wireless controller

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Post by ozfiddler » Wed Jan 23, 2013 1:44 am

Post by ozfiddler
Wed Jan 23, 2013 1:44 am

Luke, could you just confirm where exactly you are having a problem.

Can you open RoboBASIC v2.72 and get the blank editing page?
Can you use the file menu to open an existing (.bas) file?
Can you make an edit to that file?
Can you save that file again?
If you can get to the blank editing page can you type in some random text then save it as a .bas file?
If so, can you reopen that same file?

If no, what error messages are you getting?
Luke, could you just confirm where exactly you are having a problem.

Can you open RoboBASIC v2.72 and get the blank editing page?
Can you use the file menu to open an existing (.bas) file?
Can you make an edit to that file?
Can you save that file again?
If you can get to the blank editing page can you type in some random text then save it as a .bas file?
If so, can you reopen that same file?

If no, what error messages are you getting?
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Post by Greeksta89 » Wed Jan 23, 2013 10:39 pm

Post by Greeksta89
Wed Jan 23, 2013 10:39 pm

I cannot open any blank editing page or any existing (.bas) files.

When i try opening an existing (.bas) file or open a new page, nothing happens at all. I get no error message either.

So frustrating!

I cannot open any blank editing page or any existing (.bas) files.

When i try opening an existing (.bas) file or open a new page, nothing happens at all. I get no error message either.

So frustrating!

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Post by ozfiddler » Wed Jan 23, 2013 10:48 pm

Post by ozfiddler
Wed Jan 23, 2013 10:48 pm

When you start up Robobasic v2.72 it opens on a blank page, with a menu along the top. Are you saying you can't even open the program?
When you start up Robobasic v2.72 it opens on a blank page, with a menu along the top. Are you saying you can't even open the program?
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