by pepperm » Sun Jan 28, 2007 2:55 pm
by pepperm
Sun Jan 28, 2007 2:55 pm
This is a new thread to capture the development of the firmware for the Bioloid I/O interface.
Limor and I are trying to make a Bioloid I/O module that would sit on the
1Mbit bus and provide extended I/O functionality to the Bioloid. We are
thinking of providing things like extra I/O to control whatever takes your
fancy or allows interfacing to other interface types such as i2C. Maybe the
unit could be used to get input from other sensor types such as a compass, gyro or sonar unit. Details of the hardware are published here [url] ... ht=bioloid.[/url]
So far we have some code that is able to spot data being sent on the bus
but we are making very slow progress getting any further. Limor has some code in C and I have some in BASCOM AVR here: that flashes an LED when data is seen on the bus.
Billyzelsnack says:
Sure. I'll help out. Looks like your plans are very much in line with mine. I basically want to hang sensors off the normal Dynamixel bus. Specifically I want to make an interface that'll accept a standard RC gyro.
My background is PC based software, but I am starting to get the hang of this uC stuff. As for circuit design. hahah. Let's just not talk about my progress with that!
So here we go.....
Let me know what you think of the code and Limor, would you make your C code available and perhaps detail any progress you have made please here.
Anyone else fancy helping please?
Mark [/url]
This is a new thread to capture the development of the firmware for the Bioloid I/O interface.
Limor and I are trying to make a Bioloid I/O module that would sit on the
1Mbit bus and provide extended I/O functionality to the Bioloid. We are
thinking of providing things like extra I/O to control whatever takes your
fancy or allows interfacing to other interface types such as i2C. Maybe the
unit could be used to get input from other sensor types such as a compass, gyro or sonar unit. Details of the hardware are published here [url] ... ht=bioloid.[/url]
So far we have some code that is able to spot data being sent on the bus
but we are making very slow progress getting any further. Limor has some code in C and I have some in BASCOM AVR here: that flashes an LED when data is seen on the bus.
Billyzelsnack says:
Sure. I'll help out. Looks like your plans are very much in line with mine. I basically want to hang sensors off the normal Dynamixel bus. Specifically I want to make an interface that'll accept a standard RC gyro.
My background is PC based software, but I am starting to get the hang of this uC stuff. As for circuit design. hahah. Let's just not talk about my progress with that!
So here we go.....
Let me know what you think of the code and Limor, would you make your C code available and perhaps detail any progress you have made please here.
Anyone else fancy helping please?
Mark [/url]