by robbybot » Tue Feb 13, 2007 7:17 pm
by robbybot
Tue Feb 13, 2007 7:17 pm
yeah thats why i want to build my own robot out of either dx 117 or rx 64 as these are seriously upto the job! i have someone making up the brackets from hiveminds drawings on a water jet machine ( they have been customised for my own needs with slightly different arrangementrs of servos).
like i said my only stumbling block is the control method as i know very little about programming , i idealy would like to play with it via a 3d catch and play software , whislt putting some hours in on learning the "lingo" so i can refine my motions.
any suggestions on how to progress would be mutch appreciated as i have the funds but am lacking in experience and technical knowledge.........

yeah thats why i want to build my own robot out of either dx 117 or rx 64 as these are seriously upto the job! i have someone making up the brackets from hiveminds drawings on a water jet machine ( they have been customised for my own needs with slightly different arrangementrs of servos).
like i said my only stumbling block is the control method as i know very little about programming , i idealy would like to play with it via a 3d catch and play software , whislt putting some hours in on learning the "lingo" so i can refine my motions.
any suggestions on how to progress would be mutch appreciated as i have the funds but am lacking in experience and technical knowledge.........

You and your friend are in an open field and are confronted by a hungry lion.The lion starts to charge and it is clear you must run.What should your immediate goal be?Some say "Outrun the lion."Others say "Outrun your friend."