by sawix » Wed Sep 25, 2013 10:15 am
by sawix
Wed Sep 25, 2013 10:15 am

I`ve problem. I`am programing in C king spider from robotis. I used command "dxl_write_word( BROADCAST_ID, 30, 512 ), and all dynamixel placed on 512. That was ok. but when I change command to "dxl_write_word( 1, 30, 512 )", didn`t work. Of course before I initialized all.
I recovered firmware CM-510 in Roboplus manager and I saw that he don`t see dynamixels(AX-12A). So i recovered firmware dynamixels, but didn`t help.
Do you`ve some ideas?

I`ve problem. I`am programing in C king spider from robotis. I used command "dxl_write_word( BROADCAST_ID, 30, 512 ), and all dynamixel placed on 512. That was ok. but when I change command to "dxl_write_word( 1, 30, 512 )", didn`t work. Of course before I initialized all.
I recovered firmware CM-510 in Roboplus manager and I saw that he don`t see dynamixels(AX-12A). So i recovered firmware dynamixels, but didn`t help.
Do you`ve some ideas?