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robot design comission using solidworks/cad

Bioloid robot kit from Korean company Robotis; CM5 controller block, AX12 servos..
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robot design comission using solidworks/cad

Post by robbybot » Sun Mar 18, 2007 4:10 pm

Post by robbybot
Sun Mar 18, 2007 4:10 pm

hi chaps, im trying to get a project together to build my ideal robot. whilst i am capable of the mechanical construction and electrical installation , i have no skills in 3d cad design or solidworks design. basically what i need is a set of files in a format that can be uploaded to a 4 axis milling machine to produce the desired brackets for my servos. i will be using robotis servos, dx117 for the arms and the knee, ankle and waist will be rx 64 (some of the basic brackets can be bought off the shelf ). it will be similar in servo layout to the futaba g-rbotos g-001 but obviously bigger . i need to communicate my brief to anyone interested and whilst i have a pretty close idea what i want i would be open to any engineering and design advice and input. as i said i would be willing to negociate a fair comission for this work as like me you guys are very busy professionals i know!
hope someone can help me with my dream , if so pm me and we will chat.
cheers - rob jones.
hi chaps, im trying to get a project together to build my ideal robot. whilst i am capable of the mechanical construction and electrical installation , i have no skills in 3d cad design or solidworks design. basically what i need is a set of files in a format that can be uploaded to a 4 axis milling machine to produce the desired brackets for my servos. i will be using robotis servos, dx117 for the arms and the knee, ankle and waist will be rx 64 (some of the basic brackets can be bought off the shelf ). it will be similar in servo layout to the futaba g-rbotos g-001 but obviously bigger . i need to communicate my brief to anyone interested and whilst i have a pretty close idea what i want i would be open to any engineering and design advice and input. as i said i would be willing to negociate a fair comission for this work as like me you guys are very busy professionals i know!
hope someone can help me with my dream , if so pm me and we will chat.
cheers - rob jones.
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Post by rustyarmor » Thu Mar 22, 2007 12:36 pm

Post by rustyarmor
Thu Mar 22, 2007 12:36 pm

Hi rob jones

I've made the precise pieces of the bioloid in solidworks. They have also the correct weights. For that I used a precise scaler with 0.05grams of precision.

Hope you like it.



Pieces of the Bioloid from F1 to F8

Pieces of the Bioloid from F9 to F16

Screws and bolts

CM-5, Battery, PCB, ...

Hi rob jones

I've made the precise pieces of the bioloid in solidworks. They have also the correct weights. For that I used a precise scaler with 0.05grams of precision.

Hope you like it.



Pieces of the Bioloid from F1 to F8

Pieces of the Bioloid from F9 to F16

Screws and bolts

CM-5, Battery, PCB, ...

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Post by robbybot » Sat Mar 24, 2007 4:14 pm

Post by robbybot
Sat Mar 24, 2007 4:14 pm

hey pedro, im going to download solidworks so i can view your work. it must have taken a while to do all that for the bioloid-welldone. :D
would you be interested in helping me design my robotis dynamixel dx 117/ rx64 humanoid. i would need files for solidworks to upload to a 4 axis cnc machine. i could provide links to sites with robots i would like to copy bits from and ofcourse i would provide an agreed comission for any work undertaken.
have a think - cheers rob jones. :wink:
hey pedro, im going to download solidworks so i can view your work. it must have taken a while to do all that for the bioloid-welldone. :D
would you be interested in helping me design my robotis dynamixel dx 117/ rx64 humanoid. i would need files for solidworks to upload to a 4 axis cnc machine. i could provide links to sites with robots i would like to copy bits from and ofcourse i would provide an agreed comission for any work undertaken.
have a think - cheers rob jones. :wink:
You and your friend are in an open field and are confronted by a hungry lion.The lion starts to charge and it is clear you must run.What should your immediate goal be?Some say "Outrun the lion."Others say "Outrun your friend."
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