by siempre.aprendiendo » Wed Dec 12, 2007 12:36 am
by siempre.aprendiendo
Wed Dec 12, 2007 12:36 am
First of all... I have a very basic knowledge about digital circuits and microcontrollers. Excuse me if my question is rather naive or non sense
Searching information about Bioloid and I2C I have found that ATmega128
2-wire interface (compatible with I2C devices)
ATMEL doc2467.pdf
"PD1 INT1/SDA(1) (External Interrupt1 Input or TWI Serial DAta)"
"PD0 INT0/SCL(1) (External Interrupt0 Input or TWI Serial CLock)"
and from
pepperm diagram
It seems that SCL/PD0 (25) and SDA/PD1 (26) are connected to S2 (Start button) and JP1-3 (Zigbee Led)
Is it possible to use this 2-wire interface to connect to I2C?
Thanks for your patience

First of all... I have a very basic knowledge about digital circuits and microcontrollers. Excuse me if my question is rather naive or non sense
Searching information about Bioloid and I2C I have found that ATmega128
2-wire interface (compatible with I2C devices)
ATMEL doc2467.pdf
"PD1 INT1/SDA(1) (External Interrupt1 Input or TWI Serial DAta)"
"PD0 INT0/SCL(1) (External Interrupt0 Input or TWI Serial CLock)"
and from
pepperm diagram
It seems that SCL/PD0 (25) and SDA/PD1 (26) are connected to S2 (Start button) and JP1-3 (Zigbee Led)
Is it possible to use this 2-wire interface to connect to I2C?
Thanks for your patience