by JavaRN » Fri Dec 21, 2007 4:53 pm
by JavaRN
Fri Dec 21, 2007 4:53 pm
Sorry to post yet another "is bioloid for me?" post under a different heading, but I think that my case might be a little different from the other post.
I am a happy Robonova owner, and I think I did quite some interesting projects with it, and also added loads of staff to it - 4 IR sensors, tilt sensor, Tilt and pan mechanism, 5-dof hands (including grippers) and also speech output (SP03), also I managed to cotrol my robonova using the Java language through the use of bluetooth module by sparkfun.
Recently my wife offered me to buy me a Bioloid Comprehensive kit as a present for Christmas, but I had to say "no" for the time being because I don't have enough time to experiment with it. However since the offer is still there (may be for Easter!!!

) this made me think about the Bioloid kit and I have some questions to ask:
1. The sensors (Sharp ir) I've used with robonova can they be used with the bioloid kit? What about the SPO3 module? I also read somewhere that you can use sparfun's bluetooth and connect it to Bioloid quite easily.
2. How is the walking gait for Bioloid humaniod? One of the thigs I really want is to have a humaniod that can walk in a straight line - something which I tried with my Robonova but I didn't quite get.
3. I read that the battery only lasts for 10-20 mins when using the Humanoid. Is there an alternative battery pack? (not Li poly please)
4. One final thing. I am a complete newbie in electronics (I know almost nothing except that V=IxR

), but I am quite experienced in programming - especially in Java. I read that you can program the bioloid kit using C (my third preference after Java and C#). Are there any tutorials to get you started in programming the Bioloid Kit in C - SDK documentation how to read motor positions and move them and get sensor's data, etc.
Sorry for the long post, but I had to do it to explain my concern. Thanks for any help you people may give me.
Sorry to post yet another "is bioloid for me?" post under a different heading, but I think that my case might be a little different from the other post.
I am a happy Robonova owner, and I think I did quite some interesting projects with it, and also added loads of staff to it - 4 IR sensors, tilt sensor, Tilt and pan mechanism, 5-dof hands (including grippers) and also speech output (SP03), also I managed to cotrol my robonova using the Java language through the use of bluetooth module by sparkfun.
Recently my wife offered me to buy me a Bioloid Comprehensive kit as a present for Christmas, but I had to say "no" for the time being because I don't have enough time to experiment with it. However since the offer is still there (may be for Easter!!!

) this made me think about the Bioloid kit and I have some questions to ask:
1. The sensors (Sharp ir) I've used with robonova can they be used with the bioloid kit? What about the SPO3 module? I also read somewhere that you can use sparfun's bluetooth and connect it to Bioloid quite easily.
2. How is the walking gait for Bioloid humaniod? One of the thigs I really want is to have a humaniod that can walk in a straight line - something which I tried with my Robonova but I didn't quite get.
3. I read that the battery only lasts for 10-20 mins when using the Humanoid. Is there an alternative battery pack? (not Li poly please)
4. One final thing. I am a complete newbie in electronics (I know almost nothing except that V=IxR

), but I am quite experienced in programming - especially in Java. I read that you can program the bioloid kit using C (my third preference after Java and C#). Are there any tutorials to get you started in programming the Bioloid Kit in C - SDK documentation how to read motor positions and move them and get sensor's data, etc.
Sorry for the long post, but I had to do it to explain my concern. Thanks for any help you people may give me.
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