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Backlash Disadvantage 0f Dynamixel RX-64

Bioloid robot kit from Korean company Robotis; CM5 controller block, AX12 servos..
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Backlash Disadvantage 0f Dynamixel RX-64

Post by Reza » Thu Feb 07, 2008 12:47 pm

Post by Reza
Thu Feb 07, 2008 12:47 pm

We are designing a mobile robot and need high torque & high accuracy actuators.After some researches we knew that Robotis DX & RX actuators are nice and support our requirements, but we wanted that use your experience & knowledge in using those actuators in your humanoid robot, where the high torque and accuracy is needed. Then I wanted ask you:

1) What is Disadvantages of those actuators?

2) Do they have these Disadvantages? and if Yes, how you solved it??

- significant Backlash (how much was it???)
- overheating in limited usage
- breaking of gears on heavy loads
- significant friction phenomenon, including "stribeck" effect
if you know about BACKLASH of RX-64 and the way of solving it, plz guide us.

Thanks a lot,

Moulavi Ardakani,

A.I Lab,

Elec & Comp Dept,

Isfahan University of Tech.

Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo your homepage. ? and if Yes, how you solved it??

- significant Backlash (how much was it???)

- overheating in limited usage
- breaking of gears on heavy loads
- significant friction phenomenon, including "stribeck" effect

3) How you supply actuators with Li-Polymer batteries, where they need high voltage (16-18v) and Max standard voltage of mentioned batteries is 14.7 v?

Thanks a lot,

Moulavi Ardakani,
We are designing a mobile robot and need high torque & high accuracy actuators.After some researches we knew that Robotis DX & RX actuators are nice and support our requirements, but we wanted that use your experience & knowledge in using those actuators in your humanoid robot, where the high torque and accuracy is needed. Then I wanted ask you:

1) What is Disadvantages of those actuators?

2) Do they have these Disadvantages? and if Yes, how you solved it??

- significant Backlash (how much was it???)
- overheating in limited usage
- breaking of gears on heavy loads
- significant friction phenomenon, including "stribeck" effect
if you know about BACKLASH of RX-64 and the way of solving it, plz guide us.

Thanks a lot,

Moulavi Ardakani,

A.I Lab,

Elec & Comp Dept,

Isfahan University of Tech.

Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo your homepage. ? and if Yes, how you solved it??

- significant Backlash (how much was it???)

- overheating in limited usage
- breaking of gears on heavy loads
- significant friction phenomenon, including "stribeck" effect

3) How you supply actuators with Li-Polymer batteries, where they need high voltage (16-18v) and Max standard voltage of mentioned batteries is 14.7 v?

Thanks a lot,

Moulavi Ardakani,
Posts: 1
Joined: Thu Feb 07, 2008 12:37 pm

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