by AlphA » Mon May 19, 2008 8:41 pm
by AlphA
Mon May 19, 2008 8:41 pm
trey3670 wrote:see thats what I am doing and it is not changing the action performed when button is pushed,what I am trying to do is replace 2 of the punch commands with a get up from front and get up from back command that way I can walk him around and when he fall get him back on his feet. the numbers of the action change in the .ini but he still does the same thing
Can you post the contents of your ini file here so I can take a look at it? I just swapped out one of the punches for the
get up motion on my Bioloid and it worked fine.
trey3670 wrote:are you planing on offering this software forsale? or are you doing this for fun? I cant tell you how much more fun this has made the bioloid for me.
with this kind of software he could go toe to toe with a robnova no problem

Nope. I won't be selling it. I'd rather support the cause. I originally just threw this together for my own use. I'm glad to hear you are enjoying it.
Tech Mech wrote:Alpha are you using the Saitek game pad for this? It shows up on my device manager as "USB Human Interface Device" and I think this is causing my comm problems.
Yes. I tried to use it on laptop which had all of the Saitek drivers and software installed, and I could not get it to work. I think it has something to do with all of the virtualisation Saitek has done with this game pad (mouse, keyboard emulation). I am currently using it on my new laptop without any issues. I just let windows recognise it as a joystick and did not install any additional drivers. You may want to try uninstalling the Saitek software and remove/uninstall the game pad via the device manager. If you don't want to do that, try tweaking some settings in the Saitek software. I didn't have much luck with the latter, though.
Since the Bioloid sensors can detect infrared, would it be possible to control a Bioloid with a simple TV remote? I assume you would you have to write some code and download to the robot that says
If IR code#1 is received, execute motion#1,
If IR code#2 is received, execute motion#2, etc.
With a continuous loop checking for IR codes through the sensor
I make it sound easy, but how difficult would it be?
Back in the early days a number of us tried basic TV and universal(programable) IR remotes to no avail. The Frequency the Bioloid sensor runs on seemed to be the issue if memory serves. Inaki did
build a custom remote but I never saw the schematic or anything. If you are looking to go this route the following may be useful: ... highlight=Pev
I think it's interesting to note Robotis's wireless control solution consists of an additional CM-5 and another AX-S1. I never understood why they would assume that anyone would be willing to pay over $160 bucks for a clunky IR controller.
about $70 (CM-5)
about $35 (battery back)
about $55 (additional AX-s1)
IR isn't the best solution for controlling a moving object. That's a lot of loot for dubious functionality. You could buy a pair of Zig-100's instead of the AX-S1 (total cost over $180) and have radio control, but you would still be stuck with using a CM-5 as a controller. Using a CM-5 as a remote control is overkill to say the least. Not to mention that it would be uncomfortable and heavy. Such poor wireless control solutions seems out of place coming from a company that makes top quality servos and amazingly brilliant robotics kits. I don't understand why there isn't a better option.
A standard should exist: No robot should be released without some form of radio control. Futaba has done an excellent job in this area with their 2.4GHz playstation style controller. Lynxmotion also has what appears to be a very nice PS2 Robot Controller for their Bot Board / Basic Atom 28 equipped robots.
Even if a company wants to keep costs down by making it an upgrade option, wireless radio control should not have to be this complicated. Hopefully they will hear our cries. Until then, it will continue to be happy hacking time.
trey3670 wrote:see thats what I am doing and it is not changing the action performed when button is pushed,what I am trying to do is replace 2 of the punch commands with a get up from front and get up from back command that way I can walk him around and when he fall get him back on his feet. the numbers of the action change in the .ini but he still does the same thing
Can you post the contents of your ini file here so I can take a look at it? I just swapped out one of the punches for the
get up motion on my Bioloid and it worked fine.
trey3670 wrote:are you planing on offering this software forsale? or are you doing this for fun? I cant tell you how much more fun this has made the bioloid for me.
with this kind of software he could go toe to toe with a robnova no problem

Nope. I won't be selling it. I'd rather support the cause. I originally just threw this together for my own use. I'm glad to hear you are enjoying it.
Tech Mech wrote:Alpha are you using the Saitek game pad for this? It shows up on my device manager as "USB Human Interface Device" and I think this is causing my comm problems.
Yes. I tried to use it on laptop which had all of the Saitek drivers and software installed, and I could not get it to work. I think it has something to do with all of the virtualisation Saitek has done with this game pad (mouse, keyboard emulation). I am currently using it on my new laptop without any issues. I just let windows recognise it as a joystick and did not install any additional drivers. You may want to try uninstalling the Saitek software and remove/uninstall the game pad via the device manager. If you don't want to do that, try tweaking some settings in the Saitek software. I didn't have much luck with the latter, though.
Since the Bioloid sensors can detect infrared, would it be possible to control a Bioloid with a simple TV remote? I assume you would you have to write some code and download to the robot that says
If IR code#1 is received, execute motion#1,
If IR code#2 is received, execute motion#2, etc.
With a continuous loop checking for IR codes through the sensor
I make it sound easy, but how difficult would it be?
Back in the early days a number of us tried basic TV and universal(programable) IR remotes to no avail. The Frequency the Bioloid sensor runs on seemed to be the issue if memory serves. Inaki did
build a custom remote but I never saw the schematic or anything. If you are looking to go this route the following may be useful: ... highlight=Pev
I think it's interesting to note Robotis's wireless control solution consists of an additional CM-5 and another AX-S1. I never understood why they would assume that anyone would be willing to pay over $160 bucks for a clunky IR controller.
about $70 (CM-5)
about $35 (battery back)
about $55 (additional AX-s1)
IR isn't the best solution for controlling a moving object. That's a lot of loot for dubious functionality. You could buy a pair of Zig-100's instead of the AX-S1 (total cost over $180) and have radio control, but you would still be stuck with using a CM-5 as a controller. Using a CM-5 as a remote control is overkill to say the least. Not to mention that it would be uncomfortable and heavy. Such poor wireless control solutions seems out of place coming from a company that makes top quality servos and amazingly brilliant robotics kits. I don't understand why there isn't a better option.
A standard should exist: No robot should be released without some form of radio control. Futaba has done an excellent job in this area with their 2.4GHz playstation style controller. Lynxmotion also has what appears to be a very nice PS2 Robot Controller for their Bot Board / Basic Atom 28 equipped robots.
Even if a company wants to keep costs down by making it an upgrade option, wireless radio control should not have to be this complicated. Hopefully they will hear our cries. Until then, it will continue to be happy hacking time.