by cosa » Tue Jul 15, 2008 4:30 pm
by cosa
Tue Jul 15, 2008 4:30 pm
i have tried everything but still cant make bioloidcontrol read n write from/to bioloid ... checked the baud rate ... configuration is all right .. using RS-232 cable ... switch on and off bioloid .. disconnect from robot terminal once robotwrapper.hex is transmitted ... etc .... but still its not working .. i m DOOMED !!!!!!!!
Please reply to my emails

. I can build you a special version with a lot more debug information.
Hi Cosa,
I have a questions:
- how i can load the motion sequences in XML files?
If you want to load a motion stored in main/motions/file.xml you can use the command: l 0 file. This loads the motion stored in main/motions/file.xml into slot 0. You can play it with: play 0 1000 0 (see help and project page)
If you want to load a motion editor (robotis) file you should use the command: load filename. This will load the motion editor file located at main/filename. The slots should be the page number, f.e. play 62 45 0 will play the motion stored in page 62.
- when i try to use the comand "m" a mesagge "this command is disabled" appear, how i can enable it?
A lot of commands are disabled by default (I should review that

). You can activate them by editing main/include/cmd.h:
Take a look at the vector console_cmds. It contains information about the console commands (like help text, parameter count, etc). The first paramter is the command name, the second is the command type. To activate a command you have to set the type to CT_MOV (if the command results in a motion of the robot) or CT_CFG (otherwise). Disabled commands have the type value CT_HIDE.
Then recompile.
To use the m system you have to:
Activate the load (CT_CFG) and the m (CT_MOV) command.
Recompile and in the console do:
load (this loads the original motion file for the humanoid)
Then you can use the original bioloid motions (untested since I dont have the standard humanoid):
roff, off (to test it in the viewer first)
m walk 1 150 (first parameter is sub command, second is ~ steps, third is time in ms of one motion)
m turnright 1 150
m turnleft 1 150
If everything works you can switch reading/writing back on: ron, on and try the commands with the real robot.
The commands are instantiated in main/src/motions.cpp CMotionContainer::addCommand().
i have tried everything but still cant make bioloidcontrol read n write from/to bioloid ... checked the baud rate ... configuration is all right .. using RS-232 cable ... switch on and off bioloid .. disconnect from robot terminal once robotwrapper.hex is transmitted ... etc .... but still its not working .. i m DOOMED !!!!!!!!
Please reply to my emails

. I can build you a special version with a lot more debug information.
Hi Cosa,
I have a questions:
- how i can load the motion sequences in XML files?
If you want to load a motion stored in main/motions/file.xml you can use the command: l 0 file. This loads the motion stored in main/motions/file.xml into slot 0. You can play it with: play 0 1000 0 (see help and project page)
If you want to load a motion editor (robotis) file you should use the command: load filename. This will load the motion editor file located at main/filename. The slots should be the page number, f.e. play 62 45 0 will play the motion stored in page 62.
- when i try to use the comand "m" a mesagge "this command is disabled" appear, how i can enable it?
A lot of commands are disabled by default (I should review that

). You can activate them by editing main/include/cmd.h:
Take a look at the vector console_cmds. It contains information about the console commands (like help text, parameter count, etc). The first paramter is the command name, the second is the command type. To activate a command you have to set the type to CT_MOV (if the command results in a motion of the robot) or CT_CFG (otherwise). Disabled commands have the type value CT_HIDE.
Then recompile.
To use the m system you have to:
Activate the load (CT_CFG) and the m (CT_MOV) command.
Recompile and in the console do:
load (this loads the original motion file for the humanoid)
Then you can use the original bioloid motions (untested since I dont have the standard humanoid):
roff, off (to test it in the viewer first)
m walk 1 150 (first parameter is sub command, second is ~ steps, third is time in ms of one motion)
m turnright 1 150
m turnleft 1 150
If everything works you can switch reading/writing back on: ron, on and try the commands with the real robot.
The commands are instantiated in main/src/motions.cpp CMotionContainer::addCommand().