by joerg.wolf » Tue Jun 17, 2008 10:29 am
by joerg.wolf
Tue Jun 17, 2008 10:29 am
StuartL wrote:Out of curiosity...
How many people here have developed (or are developing) inverse kinematics for the Bioloid kits? How far did you go? Are you using an alternative to the Cm-5?
At the University of Plymouth we have developed forward kinematics for the robot and some simplified inverse kinematics for the legs.
We are trying to keep the motion editor and flash pages but also integrate
kinematics and the HUV-IMU unit.
Here is a table of the forward kinematics
Denavit-Hartenberg Table for the Bioloid Robot
- Code: Select all
Link α d θ x
M7 π/2 0 0 30
M8 π/2 0 0 30
M9 -π/2 0 π/2 0
M10 π/2 0 π/2 0
M11 -π 75 0 0
M12 -π 75 0 0
M13 0 75 0 0
M14 0 75 0 0
M15 π/2 0 0 0
M16 -π/2 0 0 0
M17 π 32 0 0
M18 π 32 0 0
M18 is the link corresponding to floor-to-servo 18
Post multiply M18,M16,M14,M12,M10,M8 to
get the transformation from floor to hip.
Dimentions are in radians and millimeters
Kinematics of an industrial robot often described with homogenous 4x4 transformation matrices. If you lost, what this table means look up "Denavit-Hartenberg" in google.
StuartL wrote:Out of curiosity...
How many people here have developed (or are developing) inverse kinematics for the Bioloid kits? How far did you go? Are you using an alternative to the Cm-5?
At the University of Plymouth we have developed forward kinematics for the robot and some simplified inverse kinematics for the legs.
We are trying to keep the motion editor and flash pages but also integrate
kinematics and the HUV-IMU unit.
Here is a table of the forward kinematics
Denavit-Hartenberg Table for the Bioloid Robot
- Code: Select all
Link α d θ x
M7 π/2 0 0 30
M8 π/2 0 0 30
M9 -π/2 0 π/2 0
M10 π/2 0 π/2 0
M11 -π 75 0 0
M12 -π 75 0 0
M13 0 75 0 0
M14 0 75 0 0
M15 π/2 0 0 0
M16 -π/2 0 0 0
M17 π 32 0 0
M18 π 32 0 0
M18 is the link corresponding to floor-to-servo 18
Post multiply M18,M16,M14,M12,M10,M8 to
get the transformation from floor to hip.
Dimentions are in radians and millimeters
Kinematics of an industrial robot often described with homogenous 4x4 transformation matrices. If you lost, what this table means look up "Denavit-Hartenberg" in google.