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ENC-03R gyro

Bioloid robot kit from Korean company Robotis; CM5 controller block, AX12 servos..
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ENC-03R gyro

Post by billyzelsnack » Fri Sep 05, 2008 5:21 am

Post by billyzelsnack
Fri Sep 05, 2008 5:21 am


I took this off a heli gyro ( hopefully I didn't damage it.) Unfortunately the spec is ambiguous to what the pinout actually is because it is poorly marked. If I was smart I would of inspected the circuit for a clue before I took it off.

Is there some sort of convention with these things that I should know about?

Is the pinout pic looking top down or bottom up? If it's bottom up which way is it flipped? Top down is easy..

1 2
4 3

Is bottom up..

4 3
1 2


2 1
3 4

I took this off a heli gyro ( hopefully I didn't damage it.) Unfortunately the spec is ambiguous to what the pinout actually is because it is poorly marked. If I was smart I would of inspected the circuit for a clue before I took it off.

Is there some sort of convention with these things that I should know about?

Is the pinout pic looking top down or bottom up? If it's bottom up which way is it flipped? Top down is easy..

1 2
4 3

Is bottom up..

4 3
1 2


2 1
3 4
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Post by billyzelsnack » Fri Sep 05, 2008 5:38 am

Post by billyzelsnack
Fri Sep 05, 2008 5:38 am

Looking in better lighting I noticed a dot, but its placement didn't make and sense WRT to the label. So I opened up another gyro and the dot was in a different place! So my guess is the dot is 1 ( which means the schematic is top down ) and the label is just stamped on however. I guess I'll see.
Looking in better lighting I noticed a dot, but its placement didn't make and sense WRT to the label. So I opened up another gyro and the dot was in a different place! So my guess is the dot is 1 ( which means the schematic is top down ) and the label is just stamped on however. I guess I'll see.
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Post by billyzelsnack » Fri Sep 05, 2008 6:08 am

Post by billyzelsnack
Fri Sep 05, 2008 6:08 am

Fail!!! My electronic skills are so terrible!!! I think it's dead. So many possibilities why. I'm glad that I didn't have to go through this type of expense when I was learning to program! Geez! Good thing this heli gyro cost my under $10.

So I get a voltage swing on the scope when I power it up and that's it. It just sits there. I build the little high pass filter to see if that was a required component for any output and that just changed the swing. I don't have the other part or the opamp. I'm guessing I should see at least something reasonable on the scope against the bare pins. Geez!
Fail!!! My electronic skills are so terrible!!! I think it's dead. So many possibilities why. I'm glad that I didn't have to go through this type of expense when I was learning to program! Geez! Good thing this heli gyro cost my under $10.

So I get a voltage swing on the scope when I power it up and that's it. It just sits there. I build the little high pass filter to see if that was a required component for any output and that just changed the swing. I don't have the other part or the opamp. I'm guessing I should see at least something reasonable on the scope against the bare pins. Geez!
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Post by JonHylands » Fri Sep 05, 2008 1:00 pm

Post by JonHylands
Fri Sep 05, 2008 1:00 pm

Generally, heli gyros require an incoming servo-like PWM pulse train in order to produce an output signal.

- Jon
Generally, heli gyros require an incoming servo-like PWM pulse train in order to produce an output signal.

- Jon
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Post by billyzelsnack » Sat Sep 06, 2008 1:26 am

Post by billyzelsnack
Sat Sep 06, 2008 1:26 am

I removed the actual gyro component from the board. You are also right about the startup pulse train and I was doing that and it was working via PWM.. Before I took it apart!
I removed the actual gyro component from the board. You are also right about the startup pulse train and I was doing that and it was working via PWM.. Before I took it apart!
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Post by billyzelsnack » Sun Sep 07, 2008 9:21 am

Post by billyzelsnack
Sun Sep 07, 2008 9:21 am

I got it!!

So I took apart my worst looking 4-in-1 ( heli combo thing.. receiver + gyro + 2 speed controls ) and started probing it with my scope while powered up. Hey look.. A signal that moves when I move the gyro! After a little work I came up with this guess...


Looking top down ( so you can see the label, though the label may be upside-down ) with the little dot where GND would be.

Hmm. Let's try that other gyro. That thing has gotta be broken considering that I've put voltage all over it by now.. No way it's gonna work anyway. I've tried all the combinations.

It worked! Layout is the same as above.

I'm really amazed at how clean the signal is too. At least Compared to the garbage that comes out of an accelerometer ( in my experience. ).


Label on the EK2-0704A is MA 424
Label on the 4-in-1 is MA 520
I got it!!

So I took apart my worst looking 4-in-1 ( heli combo thing.. receiver + gyro + 2 speed controls ) and started probing it with my scope while powered up. Hey look.. A signal that moves when I move the gyro! After a little work I came up with this guess...


Looking top down ( so you can see the label, though the label may be upside-down ) with the little dot where GND would be.

Hmm. Let's try that other gyro. That thing has gotta be broken considering that I've put voltage all over it by now.. No way it's gonna work anyway. I've tried all the combinations.

It worked! Layout is the same as above.

I'm really amazed at how clean the signal is too. At least Compared to the garbage that comes out of an accelerometer ( in my experience. ).


Label on the EK2-0704A is MA 424
Label on the 4-in-1 is MA 520
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