by clusher » Thu Sep 11, 2008 3:55 pm
by clusher
Thu Sep 11, 2008 3:55 pm
Hey all.
I've been told that the example.c provided with Bioloid as quite a few mistakes, so after learning a bit about the programming and the registers and all, I decided to make my own C program, without influences of the example.c
The thing is, I can't find how to connect or disconnect the charging circuit in the manuals... After searching the forum I found this:
So to disconnect the charging circuit, all I have to do is put the PORTB5 bit high and to charge set it to low?
I've been using the Bioloid in AC Power, if I disconnect the charging circuit it won't cut the power to CM-5 or to AX-12, will it?
Hey all.
I've been told that the example.c provided with Bioloid as quite a few mistakes, so after learning a bit about the programming and the registers and all, I decided to make my own C program, without influences of the example.c
The thing is, I can't find how to connect or disconnect the charging circuit in the manuals... After searching the forum I found this:
So to disconnect the charging circuit, all I have to do is put the PORTB5 bit high and to charge set it to low?
I've been using the Bioloid in AC Power, if I disconnect the charging circuit it won't cut the power to CM-5 or to AX-12, will it?