by srobot » Tue Sep 23, 2008 2:43 am
by srobot
Tue Sep 23, 2008 2:43 am
Hey guys!
I could not think of a proper place to put this, so I decided to just post it as an update.
We have been gearing up for iHobby/Chibotica 2008 for the last 2 months! Right now I have a Lego Sumo robot 98% ready, and a Bioloid for Kung-fu, Stairs, and Demo, only 20% complete!
About a month ago, I ordered 2 pairs of custom feet for my Bioloid which have not come yet, so I called them today. Turns out they have not even been made yet! Although they "will be done tomorrow". I sure hope they come soon, as my Bioloid only has one foot to stand on as I sent the other foot in for sizing, which it sounds like they lost...
Today I received the servos in the mail from RoboSavvy, I'm busy right now changing the IDs and screwing them in!
A few weeks ago, we received Foot Pressure Sensor Boards, and a I/O Sensor Board from HUV Robotics. These items will be vital in Humanoid Stairs, along with the IMU received back in January for Kung-Fu.
The count is on! 1 month 'til Chibotica, and much to do!
I will be posting how to's and am sure will be asking many more questions!
Thanks for everyone's help, I would not be entering if it was not for you!
Hey guys!
I could not think of a proper place to put this, so I decided to just post it as an update.
We have been gearing up for iHobby/Chibotica 2008 for the last 2 months! Right now I have a Lego Sumo robot 98% ready, and a Bioloid for Kung-fu, Stairs, and Demo, only 20% complete!
About a month ago, I ordered 2 pairs of custom feet for my Bioloid which have not come yet, so I called them today. Turns out they have not even been made yet! Although they "will be done tomorrow". I sure hope they come soon, as my Bioloid only has one foot to stand on as I sent the other foot in for sizing, which it sounds like they lost...
Today I received the servos in the mail from RoboSavvy, I'm busy right now changing the IDs and screwing them in!
A few weeks ago, we received Foot Pressure Sensor Boards, and a I/O Sensor Board from HUV Robotics. These items will be vital in Humanoid Stairs, along with the IMU received back in January for Kung-Fu.
The count is on! 1 month 'til Chibotica, and much to do!
I will be posting how to's and am sure will be asking many more questions!
Thanks for everyone's help, I would not be entering if it was not for you!