by Nathan Monson » Tue Oct 28, 2008 11:30 pm
by Nathan Monson
Tue Oct 28, 2008 11:30 pm
Starlight wrote:i'm noticed that the AX-12 require 9V for operating (
In order to supply 9V (LiPo 11.1V battery) to AX-12, I'm using the voltage regulator LM7809.
You can directly power the AX-12s off the 11.1v source. I've built two robots this way. If you plan to put your motors under a lot of load, they'll get hotter faster at 11.1v, and may shut down due to thermal limits.
Of course, you
could void your warranty or cause damage that way... But I've never damaged an AX-12 this way. (Knock on wood.)
And my question is : how many voltage regulator needed in order to supplied 9V for each AX-12? if one voltage regulator can only drive 3 AX-12, then I need 4 voltage regulator to drive 12 AX-12?
The answer is: It depends on how hard you push them, and the rating of your regulator. Let's assume your LM7809 is rated for 1.5A. Each AX-12 can draw up to .9A at max load, so you would need more than 4 regulators.
But, usually you don't run your motors anywhere near that hard, so 3 per regulator makes sense. You can also find a regulator rated for higher amperage and use just one. In your example, a 6A regulator could be enough for the whole robot.
- Nathan
Starlight wrote:i'm noticed that the AX-12 require 9V for operating (
In order to supply 9V (LiPo 11.1V battery) to AX-12, I'm using the voltage regulator LM7809.
You can directly power the AX-12s off the 11.1v source. I've built two robots this way. If you plan to put your motors under a lot of load, they'll get hotter faster at 11.1v, and may shut down due to thermal limits.
Of course, you
could void your warranty or cause damage that way... But I've never damaged an AX-12 this way. (Knock on wood.)
And my question is : how many voltage regulator needed in order to supplied 9V for each AX-12? if one voltage regulator can only drive 3 AX-12, then I need 4 voltage regulator to drive 12 AX-12?
The answer is: It depends on how hard you push them, and the rating of your regulator. Let's assume your LM7809 is rated for 1.5A. Each AX-12 can draw up to .9A at max load, so you would need more than 4 regulators.
But, usually you don't run your motors anywhere near that hard, so 3 per regulator makes sense. You can also find a regulator rated for higher amperage and use just one. In your example, a 6A regulator could be enough for the whole robot.
- Nathan