by taiowa » Tue Jul 10, 2007 1:20 am
by taiowa
Tue Jul 10, 2007 1:20 am
Hello everybody
Got my bioloid last friday and after trying couple of the basic robots from the guidebook I wanted to try something different before building the humanoid. So I decided to build a plotter similar of VanHelsings but a using Java as control language.
I builded my plotter with longer arm for better reach, which actually was a bad design decision because longer equals wobblier.
I used manage mode and swr commands to drive the plotter just like VanHelsing.
First I drawed the duck, but drawing rasterized image took quite long and I had no idea howto create those plotting commands from other normal images. I decided to try to draw vector graphics which are defined by drawing paths by default. I hacked Batis svg graphics libraries to my plotter code and was able to draw pictures straight from .svg format images.
Here is a video of the plotter in action.
Couple of images:
The quality of the drawings was actually quite bad. The repeatibility of the drawings is still quite good. The butterfly outline is drawed twice and the plotter has done identical jerks and twists on both runs.
Original butterfly image

Hello everybody
Got my bioloid last friday and after trying couple of the basic robots from the guidebook I wanted to try something different before building the humanoid. So I decided to build a plotter similar of VanHelsings but a using Java as control language.
I builded my plotter with longer arm for better reach, which actually was a bad design decision because longer equals wobblier.
I used manage mode and swr commands to drive the plotter just like VanHelsing.
First I drawed the duck, but drawing rasterized image took quite long and I had no idea howto create those plotting commands from other normal images. I decided to try to draw vector graphics which are defined by drawing paths by default. I hacked Batis svg graphics libraries to my plotter code and was able to draw pictures straight from .svg format images.
Here is a video of the plotter in action.
Couple of images:
The quality of the drawings was actually quite bad. The repeatibility of the drawings is still quite good. The butterfly outline is drawed twice and the plotter has done identical jerks and twists on both runs.
Original butterfly image