by zildjiansam » Wed Apr 15, 2009 5:58 am
by zildjiansam
Wed Apr 15, 2009 5:58 am
Hello everybody!. I´m working in a school project but I´ve had an important problem, it´s about the camera, I really don´t know if is the receptor, the camera or the CM-5, the problem is as follow:
I have the expert kit, and I´ve read the manuals even it dosn´t explain so well, when I try to built the part of Image Handling and Recognation I follow all the steps right that it says, but when i run the example 1, it runs but I don´t receive any image, i mean the screen is always in black, even i check all the channels in the wireless receiver.
I´ve tasted in differents PC and happen the same.
I wire everithing o.k, and happen the same.
The zig-100 is connected into the CM-5, but it dosn´t affect.
The camera is connected in the bus part of the CM-5, the wireless reciver is installed o.k, i think everything is o.k, i really don´t know why can´t she the image.
I hope you can help me!

Hello everybody!. I´m working in a school project but I´ve had an important problem, it´s about the camera, I really don´t know if is the receptor, the camera or the CM-5, the problem is as follow:
I have the expert kit, and I´ve read the manuals even it dosn´t explain so well, when I try to built the part of Image Handling and Recognation I follow all the steps right that it says, but when i run the example 1, it runs but I don´t receive any image, i mean the screen is always in black, even i check all the channels in the wireless receiver.
I´ve tasted in differents PC and happen the same.
I wire everithing o.k, and happen the same.
The zig-100 is connected into the CM-5, but it dosn´t affect.
The camera is connected in the bus part of the CM-5, the wireless reciver is installed o.k, i think everything is o.k, i really don´t know why can´t she the image.
I hope you can help me!