by JavaRN » Fri May 15, 2009 9:56 am
by JavaRN
Fri May 15, 2009 9:56 am
Thanks StuartL, what I did was to add an accellerometer and sense the vertical position of the robot and I am titlting the head forward a little, and moving servos 11 and 12 1 step forward everytime the robot goes "backwards", and it seems to have worked somehow, but I am facing another problem, which is the battery - It is wearing out after a couple of minutes, in fact I am thinking of replacing it with a Lipo and I am a little reluctant to do so as from what I read, if mishandled they can blow up and beleive me the last thing I want is to blow up my bot!
Thanks StuartL, what I did was to add an accellerometer and sense the vertical position of the robot and I am titlting the head forward a little, and moving servos 11 and 12 1 step forward everytime the robot goes "backwards", and it seems to have worked somehow, but I am facing another problem, which is the battery - It is wearing out after a couple of minutes, in fact I am thinking of replacing it with a Lipo and I am a little reluctant to do so as from what I read, if mishandled they can blow up and beleive me the last thing I want is to blow up my bot!
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