by i-Bot » Mon Oct 26, 2009 1:14 pm
by i-Bot
Mon Oct 26, 2009 1:14 pm
I have been working with one of the first batch of MM-AVR32 boards from RandomMatt with a 60MHz 32 bits AVR32 processor. I hope Matt will tell you more about the board itself.
I have packaged mine to access all the ports and added a small sub board to give USB otg power switching and EEPROM.
The software is developed in Atmel AVR32 Studio in C and uses an expansion of the AVR32 software framework for the built in dynamixel bus and accelerometer. I run under FreeRTOS, but it is not absolutely necessary. The firmware is downloaded using in built USB firmware upgrade. The USB port operates in both device and host mode. In device mode it is currently programmed to be a serial CDC device. In host mode it connects to a USB bluetooth dongle. The bluetooth currently only supports Wiimote and PS3, but I hope to get serial working too.
Because the USB connector is mini otg, I have to use an adapter for the cheap bluetoth dongle. Anybody know of an mini otg bluetooth ?

I have been working with one of the first batch of MM-AVR32 boards from RandomMatt with a 60MHz 32 bits AVR32 processor. I hope Matt will tell you more about the board itself.
I have packaged mine to access all the ports and added a small sub board to give USB otg power switching and EEPROM.
The software is developed in Atmel AVR32 Studio in C and uses an expansion of the AVR32 software framework for the built in dynamixel bus and accelerometer. I run under FreeRTOS, but it is not absolutely necessary. The firmware is downloaded using in built USB firmware upgrade. The USB port operates in both device and host mode. In device mode it is currently programmed to be a serial CDC device. In host mode it connects to a USB bluetooth dongle. The bluetooth currently only supports Wiimote and PS3, but I hope to get serial working too.
Because the USB connector is mini otg, I have to use an adapter for the cheap bluetoth dongle. Anybody know of an mini otg bluetooth ?