by profmason » Thu Jun 03, 2010 2:40 am
by profmason
Thu Jun 03, 2010 2:40 am
It arrived along with a batch of new servos.
About three hours to port all the old code from CM5 to CM700 (ATMEGA128 -> 2561) Need to change some timers and your make file. CM510 to CM700 ports straight across. The new dynamixel SDK makes this easy.
Have tested RX24, RX28, RX64, DX117, AX12+ and AX18 all running on the same bus with no problems. Was able to swap out the knee servos with RX and after retuning the speed controller run the same dynamic gait generator. Now just have to sort out the custom brackets.
This looks like a winner and a definite CM2+ killer. Now we just need to have robosavvy get them stock(along with the LN-101) in so we can order to replace all the CM5s. (Kudos on the 18Fs)
count down to Bangalore......
It arrived along with a batch of new servos.
About three hours to port all the old code from CM5 to CM700 (ATMEGA128 -> 2561) Need to change some timers and your make file. CM510 to CM700 ports straight across. The new dynamixel SDK makes this easy.
Have tested RX24, RX28, RX64, DX117, AX12+ and AX18 all running on the same bus with no problems. Was able to swap out the knee servos with RX and after retuning the speed controller run the same dynamic gait generator. Now just have to sort out the custom brackets.
This looks like a winner and a definite CM2+ killer. Now we just need to have robosavvy get them stock(along with the LN-101) in so we can order to replace all the CM5s. (Kudos on the 18Fs)
count down to Bangalore......