by pirobot » Thu Feb 25, 2010 1:20 am
by pirobot
Thu Feb 25, 2010 1:20 am
I have read a few other posts on this forum regarding how to deal with communication errors when using AX-12s and the CM-5 over a serial connection. I'm having a similar problem with timeouts that I have tried to debug for several weeks with no luck.
I have a robot with 10 AX-12+ servos connected to a CM-5 which in turn is connected to my PC by way of a USB-Serial converter. The CM-5 and servos are powered by the 12V brick that came with the Bioloid kit. I am controlling the servos using a C# program that references the Forest Moon Dynamixel library found at:
I am running the servos in Synchronized mode and I make a call to Synchronize() in a dedicated thread that looks like this:
- Code: Select all
while (true)
sensorValues[HeadPan] = HeadPan.CurrentPosition;
sensorValues[HeadTilt] = HeadTilt.CurrentPosition;
As you can see, after synchronizing any outstanding writes, I query two servos for their current position. In fact, I query several other servos also for their positions but I left them out of the code above for brevity.
In the meantime, in a different thread, I am setting the goal positions and speeds of the servos to track a moving target. This thread updates the position and speed settings about once every 50ms. But I am assuming they are only written to the servos when the Synchronize() method is called in the thread shown above.
With both threads running, the robot generally behaves nice and smoothly and the servos work as expected. However, at random intervals after starting--any where from 10 seconds to 10 minutes--I get a timeout exception and my control program grinds to a halt and the robot freezes. I have tried eliminating hardware problems by swapping out cables, servos, the USB-Serial cable and even the CM-5 but with no effect. I have the timeout on the serial port set to 1000 msec which I assume should be more than enough for 10 servos.
Fortunately, the Forest Moon library comes with source code and I was able to isolate where the timeout is occurring. It happens always on the same line within the ReadPacket method. I include the code block below to illustrate:
- Code: Select all
protected byte[] ReadPacket(out int id)
// ReadPacket is only ever called immediately following a WriteInstruction (sent packet)
// So we can use this opportunity to time the response from the Dynamixel.
System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch watch = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew();
// set an invalid id for error return cases
id = 0xFF;
// status packet returned from Dynamixel servo:
// 0 1 2 3 4 5 5 + data-length
// [0xFF] [0xFF] [id] [length] [error] [] [checksum]
// 1st header byte
int b = 0;
b = Stream.ReadByte();
catch (System.TimeoutException)
Console.WriteLine("TIMEOUT 1");
// Stop the Stopwatch and record the statistics for later
ResponseTotalElapsed += watch.ElapsedMilliseconds;
if (watch.ElapsedMilliseconds > ResponseMaxElapsed)
ResponseMaxElapsed = watch.ElapsedMilliseconds;
if (b != 0xFF)
return null;
// 2nd header byte
b = Stream.ReadByte();
catch (System.TimeoutException)
Console.WriteLine("TIMEOUT 2");
if (b != 0xFF)
return null;
// id (or 3rd header byte??)
b = Stream.ReadByte();
catch (System.TimeoutException)
Console.WriteLine("TIMEOUT 3");
if (b == 0xFF) // have seen a third header byte! not sure why/how
b = Stream.ReadByte();
catch (System.TimeoutException)
Console.WriteLine("TIMEOUT 4");
id = b;
// packet length (includes data-length plus 2)
int len = Stream.ReadByte() - 2;
if (len <0> 0)
// read the data, if any
data = new byte[len];
int offset = 0;
while (len > 0)
int cnt = Stream.Read(data, offset, len);
len -= cnt;
offset += cnt;
// get the CheckSum byte
// CONSIDER: Could validate the checksum and reject the packet.
int CheckSum = Stream.ReadByte();
// let anyone listening know about any errors reported in the packet
// use the 'InErrorHandler' flag to avoid recursion from the user's handler
if (error != 0 && DynamixelError != null && !InErrorHandler)
InErrorHandler = true;
DynamixelError(this, new DynamixelErrorArgs(id, error));
InErrorHandler = false;
return data;
The try-catch blocks were added by me to find out where the timeout is occurring and it always occurs at the point where I print out the message "TIMEOUT 1".
Ideally I would like to eliminate the timeouts altogether but I'd also settle for being able to recover gracefully from a timeout when it is caught. Unfortunately, I don't know what I would add to the try-catch block to recover control.
If anyone has any suggestions, I would be most grateful!
Many thanks,
I have read a few other posts on this forum regarding how to deal with communication errors when using AX-12s and the CM-5 over a serial connection. I'm having a similar problem with timeouts that I have tried to debug for several weeks with no luck.
I have a robot with 10 AX-12+ servos connected to a CM-5 which in turn is connected to my PC by way of a USB-Serial converter. The CM-5 and servos are powered by the 12V brick that came with the Bioloid kit. I am controlling the servos using a C# program that references the Forest Moon Dynamixel library found at:
I am running the servos in Synchronized mode and I make a call to Synchronize() in a dedicated thread that looks like this:
- Code: Select all
while (true)
sensorValues[HeadPan] = HeadPan.CurrentPosition;
sensorValues[HeadTilt] = HeadTilt.CurrentPosition;
As you can see, after synchronizing any outstanding writes, I query two servos for their current position. In fact, I query several other servos also for their positions but I left them out of the code above for brevity.
In the meantime, in a different thread, I am setting the goal positions and speeds of the servos to track a moving target. This thread updates the position and speed settings about once every 50ms. But I am assuming they are only written to the servos when the Synchronize() method is called in the thread shown above.
With both threads running, the robot generally behaves nice and smoothly and the servos work as expected. However, at random intervals after starting--any where from 10 seconds to 10 minutes--I get a timeout exception and my control program grinds to a halt and the robot freezes. I have tried eliminating hardware problems by swapping out cables, servos, the USB-Serial cable and even the CM-5 but with no effect. I have the timeout on the serial port set to 1000 msec which I assume should be more than enough for 10 servos.
Fortunately, the Forest Moon library comes with source code and I was able to isolate where the timeout is occurring. It happens always on the same line within the ReadPacket method. I include the code block below to illustrate:
- Code: Select all
protected byte[] ReadPacket(out int id)
// ReadPacket is only ever called immediately following a WriteInstruction (sent packet)
// So we can use this opportunity to time the response from the Dynamixel.
System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch watch = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew();
// set an invalid id for error return cases
id = 0xFF;
// status packet returned from Dynamixel servo:
// 0 1 2 3 4 5 5 + data-length
// [0xFF] [0xFF] [id] [length] [error] [] [checksum]
// 1st header byte
int b = 0;
b = Stream.ReadByte();
catch (System.TimeoutException)
Console.WriteLine("TIMEOUT 1");
// Stop the Stopwatch and record the statistics for later
ResponseTotalElapsed += watch.ElapsedMilliseconds;
if (watch.ElapsedMilliseconds > ResponseMaxElapsed)
ResponseMaxElapsed = watch.ElapsedMilliseconds;
if (b != 0xFF)
return null;
// 2nd header byte
b = Stream.ReadByte();
catch (System.TimeoutException)
Console.WriteLine("TIMEOUT 2");
if (b != 0xFF)
return null;
// id (or 3rd header byte??)
b = Stream.ReadByte();
catch (System.TimeoutException)
Console.WriteLine("TIMEOUT 3");
if (b == 0xFF) // have seen a third header byte! not sure why/how
b = Stream.ReadByte();
catch (System.TimeoutException)
Console.WriteLine("TIMEOUT 4");
id = b;
// packet length (includes data-length plus 2)
int len = Stream.ReadByte() - 2;
if (len <0> 0)
// read the data, if any
data = new byte[len];
int offset = 0;
while (len > 0)
int cnt = Stream.Read(data, offset, len);
len -= cnt;
offset += cnt;
// get the CheckSum byte
// CONSIDER: Could validate the checksum and reject the packet.
int CheckSum = Stream.ReadByte();
// let anyone listening know about any errors reported in the packet
// use the 'InErrorHandler' flag to avoid recursion from the user's handler
if (error != 0 && DynamixelError != null && !InErrorHandler)
InErrorHandler = true;
DynamixelError(this, new DynamixelErrorArgs(id, error));
InErrorHandler = false;
return data;
The try-catch blocks were added by me to find out where the timeout is occurring and it always occurs at the point where I print out the message "TIMEOUT 1".
Ideally I would like to eliminate the timeouts altogether but I'd also settle for being able to recover gracefully from a timeout when it is caught. Unfortunately, I don't know what I would add to the try-catch block to recover control.
If anyone has any suggestions, I would be most grateful!
Many thanks,