by RoboFlop » Tue Dec 07, 2010 2:56 pm
by RoboFlop
Tue Dec 07, 2010 2:56 pm
Hello shi welcome to the forums. I'm new too and I'm not an expert in these matters by any measure but to answer your question yes, its certainly possible to control an AX12 from a different microcontroller.
If you take a look at the forums relating to the Roboard for instance and also do a search for Actuated Character which contains some useful insight that will go some way to help you to get a start...
Im sorry that I dont know anything specific about the microcontroller you mention but someone here will.
Whatever your level of understanding is now, it will increase as a result of looking around here and asking a few questions. Its a rewarding and interesting hobby, if not a little expensive, but I like it...
You may be a professor in robotics so I apologise if this sounds patronising as it isnt meant to be - dont be put off by some of the highly technical things you will undoubtedly find. I have read some very intimidating material here, on a level way, way beyond my understanding - but stick with it and things become clearer sooner than you think.

Hello shi welcome to the forums. I'm new too and I'm not an expert in these matters by any measure but to answer your question yes, its certainly possible to control an AX12 from a different microcontroller.
If you take a look at the forums relating to the Roboard for instance and also do a search for Actuated Character which contains some useful insight that will go some way to help you to get a start...
Im sorry that I dont know anything specific about the microcontroller you mention but someone here will.
Whatever your level of understanding is now, it will increase as a result of looking around here and asking a few questions. Its a rewarding and interesting hobby, if not a little expensive, but I like it...
You may be a professor in robotics so I apologise if this sounds patronising as it isnt meant to be - dont be put off by some of the highly technical things you will undoubtedly find. I have read some very intimidating material here, on a level way, way beyond my understanding - but stick with it and things become clearer sooner than you think.