by Fraser » Wed Feb 23, 2011 7:35 pm
by Fraser
Wed Feb 23, 2011 7:35 pm
Hi Mohit,
Sorry for the delayed reply, I have been busy with a house renovation project. And each evening I have just sat on the couch and vegged out without touching a PC.
I have never used the dynamixel SDK so I would have to read the docs to help you and I don't have time, sorry.
I suggest just building one of the Dynamixel SDK demo projects in visual studio and then when you get it working try adjusting things to see what happens. Then when you are familiar with how dynamixel commands work and the servos are responding correctly you can add your own stuff into a demo project easily.
I don't know how the .mtn files are stored in CM510. They are probably converted to some more compact form and then squirted into the progmem above the robotis firmware. But for now you need not worry about .mtn and .tsk files. You should master the dynamixel SDK and try getting servos to move in sin waves etc. This will be the best path to take and will get you more familiar with coding.
Keep hacking at it! You will feel great when you crack it!

Hi Mohit,
Sorry for the delayed reply, I have been busy with a house renovation project. And each evening I have just sat on the couch and vegged out without touching a PC.
I have never used the dynamixel SDK so I would have to read the docs to help you and I don't have time, sorry.
I suggest just building one of the Dynamixel SDK demo projects in visual studio and then when you get it working try adjusting things to see what happens. Then when you are familiar with how dynamixel commands work and the servos are responding correctly you can add your own stuff into a demo project easily.
I don't know how the .mtn files are stored in CM510. They are probably converted to some more compact form and then squirted into the progmem above the robotis firmware. But for now you need not worry about .mtn and .tsk files. You should master the dynamixel SDK and try getting servos to move in sin waves etc. This will be the best path to take and will get you more familiar with coding.
Keep hacking at it! You will feel great when you crack it!