by haratron » Tue Feb 08, 2011 12:59 pm
by haratron
Tue Feb 08, 2011 12:59 pm
Thanks again for your help Fritzoid.
I'm comfortable with Linux, yes.
Actually, I haven't bought my Bioloid Prenium yet, the only thing that is stalling me is the wireless control issue. If it's not wireless it's not autonomous to me.
I want to embed a wifi camera on it and pass the images to the PC, process them with OpenCV and then set the bioloid's servo positions via zigbee.
What do you mean by 'terminal mode'?
Do you mean reading the servo positions via USB2Dynamixel?
I searched the whole forum, I haven't found anyone that has done it (wireless communication) and provides adequate information for others to do it. Only some discussions about Bifferos and Gumstix made by Limor primarily.
Additionally, I still don't know if libbioloid supports CM510.
I don't want to get the robot and have it wired.

Thanks again for your help Fritzoid.
I'm comfortable with Linux, yes.
Actually, I haven't bought my Bioloid Prenium yet, the only thing that is stalling me is the wireless control issue. If it's not wireless it's not autonomous to me.
I want to embed a wifi camera on it and pass the images to the PC, process them with OpenCV and then set the bioloid's servo positions via zigbee.
What do you mean by 'terminal mode'?
Do you mean reading the servo positions via USB2Dynamixel?
I searched the whole forum, I haven't found anyone that has done it (wireless communication) and provides adequate information for others to do it. Only some discussions about Bifferos and Gumstix made by Limor primarily.
Additionally, I still don't know if libbioloid supports CM510.
I don't want to get the robot and have it wired.