by Amaya » Thu Mar 24, 2011 2:47 pm
by Amaya
Thu Mar 24, 2011 2:47 pm
I have some doubts about Zigbee communication between my PC and Bioloid. Sometimes it seems like there is communication, and sometimes don't.
Things that show that there is communication are:
1. Status LED on Zig2Serial/Zig-100 that is connected to PC is blinking when Bioloid is turned OFF, and when I turn ON Bioloid it stop blinking and stay ON.
2. I've checked in Robot Terminal My ID , and Dest.Addr on both side (PC/Bioloid), and I think everything is OK.
On PC side (Robot Terminal):
My ID.: 2945
Wait Mode: NO
On Bioloid side (Robot Terminal)
ZigBee ID:0x2944
Destination ID=0x2945
3. When I'm in Robot Terminal on PC Zig2Serial/Zig-100 and try to type something on keyboard the RXD LED on Bioloid is blinking. Then when I'm using Robot Terminal to test Bioloid and try command U or D the RXD LED on PC Zig2Serial/Zig-100 blinks.
Things that confuse me to think there is no communication is :
1. When I start Windows app example, Zigbee_Example.exe, error pop up Fail to open ZigBee..
Because I'm beginner with Bioloid I don't know how to understand this signs, is there or there's not communication..
Thanks in advance, I tried to be as accurate as possible in explaining my situation..

I have some doubts about Zigbee communication between my PC and Bioloid. Sometimes it seems like there is communication, and sometimes don't.
Things that show that there is communication are:
1. Status LED on Zig2Serial/Zig-100 that is connected to PC is blinking when Bioloid is turned OFF, and when I turn ON Bioloid it stop blinking and stay ON.
2. I've checked in Robot Terminal My ID , and Dest.Addr on both side (PC/Bioloid), and I think everything is OK.
On PC side (Robot Terminal):
My ID.: 2945
Wait Mode: NO
On Bioloid side (Robot Terminal)
ZigBee ID:0x2944
Destination ID=0x2945
3. When I'm in Robot Terminal on PC Zig2Serial/Zig-100 and try to type something on keyboard the RXD LED on Bioloid is blinking. Then when I'm using Robot Terminal to test Bioloid and try command U or D the RXD LED on PC Zig2Serial/Zig-100 blinks.
Things that confuse me to think there is no communication is :
1. When I start Windows app example, Zigbee_Example.exe, error pop up Fail to open ZigBee..
Because I'm beginner with Bioloid I don't know how to understand this signs, is there or there's not communication..
Thanks in advance, I tried to be as accurate as possible in explaining my situation..