i-Bot wrote:Interesting you changed the arm. DARwin also has the elbow rotated as you have.
I too am trying to get a neat head pan/tilt into comprehensive and premium, but want to maintain the DARwin joint relationship.
Waiting to see how you get on with changing motions
PedroR wrote:very impressive work with the PREMIUM kit. It does look a lot more robust I must add and great use of the space inside the chest and also a very ingenious solution to maintain the head and still do pan/tilt!
I was just wondering where you mounted the HaViMo as I don't seem to be able to find in it in some of the pics..
sharpyuk wrote:This looks great!
How did you get the AX12 in the head? Did you have to file down the head opening at the bottom to make it fit?
I'm trying something similar but it doesn't appear to fit without modification..
garycmartin wrote:
Yep, you need to file the front lip of the mask down otherwise it collides with the edges of the servo casing. The Havimo2 and DMS can both fit inside. I ended up placing the Havimo2 camera peering through the forehead area, with the DMS above and behind it, its accuracy somewhat reduced but still usable (I assume due to internal reflections).
sharpyuk wrote:I notice in this picture, the robot is very tall, does it work well this big? I would think it would be a long way to fall..
sharpyuk wrote:http://www.flickr.com/photos/50394334@N ... 464170730/
Do you have any videos of your robot walking with the longer legs and hip replacement?
sharpyuk wrote:I notice in this picture, the robot is very tall, does it work well this big? I would think it would be a long way to fall..
http://www.flickr.com/photos/50394334@N ... 464170730/
Do you have any videos of your robot walking with the longer legs and hip replacement?