by pepperm » Mon Oct 30, 2006 7:46 pm
by pepperm
Mon Oct 30, 2006 7:46 pm
To charge the batteries you need to do the following:
1 - Connect the charger to the CM-5 (the CM-5 being powered off beforehand).
2 - Power on the CM-5 with the power switch.
3 - Press the "U" button.
The Power light will then start to flash, it doesn't matter what state the manage/program/play lights are in either
Is this what you are doing? If not then I suspect a problem with the charger or battery pack so check them for voltage. You will usually get some sort of voltage out of the battery pack even when discharged, be it very low and you should get over 12V from the charger when not under load.
Try the above and get back with your findings.
To charge the batteries you need to do the following:
1 - Connect the charger to the CM-5 (the CM-5 being powered off beforehand).
2 - Power on the CM-5 with the power switch.
3 - Press the "U" button.
The Power light will then start to flash, it doesn't matter what state the manage/program/play lights are in either
Is this what you are doing? If not then I suspect a problem with the charger or battery pack so check them for voltage. You will usually get some sort of voltage out of the battery pack even when discharged, be it very low and you should get over 12V from the charger when not under load.
Try the above and get back with your findings.