by xevel » Mon Sep 05, 2011 12:15 am
by xevel
Mon Sep 05, 2011 12:15 am
While working on the
Xachikoma, I felt the need for a
very small USB adapter to talk to AX-series Dynamixels from my Beagleboard.
From there I got to work with a friend of mine to make one: the
USB2AX, a small programmable USB to AX/MX series Dynamixel.
Open source firmware, open source hardware, powered by
LUFA and based on parts of
Arduino UNO and Adafruit's
Atmega32u4 Breakout Board+ designs.
And since people asked me about it, I am working on a new version (understand: designed for manufacture) that might turn into a real product soon, if anyone is interested.
The most critical point about the USB2AX is its
very small size. Here is a comparison of the first prototype with the original Robotis USB2Dynamixel.
This version was 28mm long, the next design will probably be a few millimeters longer due to the use of a real Type-A USB plug (for better reliability and durability).
The core of the system is an ATMega32u2, an USB-enabled microcontroller with 32KB of Flash, 1KB of SRAM and 1KB of eeprom running at 16MHz. You can find its little brother the ATMega8u2 as the USB chip of the Arduino UNO.
Possible firmwares:
- virtual COM port, much like the USB2Dynamixel [that's the one I used in my Xachikoma] (*)
- simple controller, possibly automating simple tasks, providing a queuing mechanism,... [this is what I really want to use in my robot, see
this post of the conversation linked below]
- custom user firmware. Ever wanted to build a Dynamixel-based joystick with force-feedback that appears as a plug&play joystick? now you can.
- maybe even a controller taking care of gait generation... but the computing power and available Flash memory might be a little scarce for that :/
(*) except if an application relies on FTDI-only APIs, but I don't know many which do that.
Flashing a new firmware can be done from the USB, no need for an external programmer.
Price: below the price of a USB2Dynamixel, somewhere in the 20-35€ area I think.
The obvious use is to save space, but I'm sure being able to reprogram it to fit your specific needs may be of interest to some.
Any thoughts?
A conversation about the how and why is already underway
here, and while having a unique thread would be easier to manage, you can obviously use this thread too - I don't want to annoy anybody

While working on the
Xachikoma, I felt the need for a
very small USB adapter to talk to AX-series Dynamixels from my Beagleboard.
From there I got to work with a friend of mine to make one: the
USB2AX, a small programmable USB to AX/MX series Dynamixel.
Open source firmware, open source hardware, powered by
LUFA and based on parts of
Arduino UNO and Adafruit's
Atmega32u4 Breakout Board+ designs.
And since people asked me about it, I am working on a new version (understand: designed for manufacture) that might turn into a real product soon, if anyone is interested.
The most critical point about the USB2AX is its
very small size. Here is a comparison of the first prototype with the original Robotis USB2Dynamixel.
This version was 28mm long, the next design will probably be a few millimeters longer due to the use of a real Type-A USB plug (for better reliability and durability).
The core of the system is an ATMega32u2, an USB-enabled microcontroller with 32KB of Flash, 1KB of SRAM and 1KB of eeprom running at 16MHz. You can find its little brother the ATMega8u2 as the USB chip of the Arduino UNO.
Possible firmwares:
- virtual COM port, much like the USB2Dynamixel [that's the one I used in my Xachikoma] (*)
- simple controller, possibly automating simple tasks, providing a queuing mechanism,... [this is what I really want to use in my robot, see
this post of the conversation linked below]
- custom user firmware. Ever wanted to build a Dynamixel-based joystick with force-feedback that appears as a plug&play joystick? now you can.
- maybe even a controller taking care of gait generation... but the computing power and available Flash memory might be a little scarce for that :/
(*) except if an application relies on FTDI-only APIs, but I don't know many which do that.
Flashing a new firmware can be done from the USB, no need for an external programmer.
Price: below the price of a USB2Dynamixel, somewhere in the 20-35€ area I think.
The obvious use is to save space, but I'm sure being able to reprogram it to fit your specific needs may be of interest to some.
Any thoughts?
A conversation about the how and why is already underway
here, and while having a unique thread would be easier to manage, you can obviously use this thread too - I don't want to annoy anybody
