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Blog for development of 30+ DOF Bioloid model

Bioloid robot kit from Korean company Robotis; CM5 controller block, AX12 servos..
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Blog for development of 30+ DOF Bioloid model

Post by encrust » Fri Feb 17, 2012 1:19 pm

Post by encrust
Fri Feb 17, 2012 1:19 pm

In case anyone is interested, I have created a blog for the development of my fairly complex Bioloid scorpion robot.

Over the coming days and weeks I'll be posting details of my work to:
    Build a bigger skeleton than typical for Bioloid, made from multiple kits
    Control six 3-DOF legs (using AX18+ and AX12+) with an IK engine
    Control arms and tail with a further >12 servos
    Select the perfect rubber feet for the robot
    Hack a Spektrum RC aircraft remote to give reliable and responsive remote control (14 channels from a 7-channel unit)
    Split processing load between a CM-510 and an Arduino Mega, both running native C.
    Integrate a guidance system from CH Robotics
    Replace the Robotis Li-Po battery with a much higher capacity one

If this sounds interesting please check out
(which will gradually be catching up with real time)

Thank you
In case anyone is interested, I have created a blog for the development of my fairly complex Bioloid scorpion robot.

Over the coming days and weeks I'll be posting details of my work to:
    Build a bigger skeleton than typical for Bioloid, made from multiple kits
    Control six 3-DOF legs (using AX18+ and AX12+) with an IK engine
    Control arms and tail with a further >12 servos
    Select the perfect rubber feet for the robot
    Hack a Spektrum RC aircraft remote to give reliable and responsive remote control (14 channels from a 7-channel unit)
    Split processing load between a CM-510 and an Arduino Mega, both running native C.
    Integrate a guidance system from CH Robotics
    Replace the Robotis Li-Po battery with a much higher capacity one

If this sounds interesting please check out
(which will gradually be catching up with real time)

Thank you
Posts: 5
Joined: Sat Jan 28, 2012 10:53 pm

Post by limor » Sat Apr 14, 2012 9:56 pm

Post by limor
Sat Apr 14, 2012 9:56 pm

How's the progress with this project ?
How's the progress with this project ?
Savvy Roboteer
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Post by UncleBob » Sun Apr 15, 2012 4:36 am

Post by UncleBob
Sun Apr 15, 2012 4:36 am

Love to see it in action. What IK engine are you using ?

Love to see it in action. What IK engine are you using ?

Savvy Roboteer
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Well, since you asked...

Post by encrust » Sun Apr 15, 2012 8:17 am

Post by encrust
Sun Apr 15, 2012 8:17 am

Thanks for the prod guys - it has spurred me to get round to videoing the robot. I've posted a fairly poor quality one:
but it gives some idea of the pretty fast walking speed and proportional style R/C control it provides. The autonomous mode (where it moves, stings etc. automatically) isn't done yet, although the pincers will squeeze automatically if you put a finger in. :-)

I'll post some stuff the IK engine on the blog
when I get a chance. In short though I am:
- Using a workstation to work out all the possible X,Y,Z points reachable by a leg by blind searching through all servo positions.
- Building a low resolution 3D array which provides the servo positions needed for a given leg X,Y,Z position. This is stored as a program code table in the CM-510 Atmega.
- Ccomputing some other tables on a workstation like a way of picking up the leg which avoids unnecessary acceleration.
- At run time on the CM-510 computing where I'd like the legs to be and then using the tables with interpolation to get the servo positions.
I have done this all from scratch at it may well not be a sensible way of doing things!
Thanks for the prod guys - it has spurred me to get round to videoing the robot. I've posted a fairly poor quality one:
but it gives some idea of the pretty fast walking speed and proportional style R/C control it provides. The autonomous mode (where it moves, stings etc. automatically) isn't done yet, although the pincers will squeeze automatically if you put a finger in. :-)

I'll post some stuff the IK engine on the blog
when I get a chance. In short though I am:
- Using a workstation to work out all the possible X,Y,Z points reachable by a leg by blind searching through all servo positions.
- Building a low resolution 3D array which provides the servo positions needed for a given leg X,Y,Z position. This is stored as a program code table in the CM-510 Atmega.
- Ccomputing some other tables on a workstation like a way of picking up the leg which avoids unnecessary acceleration.
- At run time on the CM-510 computing where I'd like the legs to be and then using the tables with interpolation to get the servo positions.
I have done this all from scratch at it may well not be a sensible way of doing things!
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Joined: Sat Jan 28, 2012 10:53 pm

Post by MOHIT JINDAL » Fri Apr 20, 2012 6:26 am

Fri Apr 20, 2012 6:26 am

The AX12+ Servos horns have 4 holes for 4 screws. Can I fix only 2 screws ?
Also can I use any other horns in AX12+ ? :roll:
Actually I am making Aluminium Brackets and the 4 holes are not in same distance. :wink:
The AX12+ Servos horns have 4 holes for 4 screws. Can I fix only 2 screws ?
Also can I use any other horns in AX12+ ? :roll:
Actually I am making Aluminium Brackets and the 4 holes are not in same distance. :wink:
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