by petercohen » Sun Oct 21, 2012 1:41 pm
by petercohen
Sun Oct 21, 2012 1:41 pm
Hello, I posted twice but the messages did not show up. I am trying again.
I measured the resistance of each wire from both the Robotis cable and the long self-made one. All of them have a resistance of 0.27 ohm.
There are two projects. One on using the Robotplus to control the motors. The other is on using the usb2dynamixel and C++. Eventually, I want to use both methods to control a robot of over 20 motors.
For using Robotplus to control the motors, is changing the USB Serial Port properties settings alone sufficient? What values do you recommend? Currently, under COM5, I have bps: 9600, data bit: 8, parity: none, stop bit: 1, flow control: none.
For controlling the motors using usb2dynamixel and C++, I modified the sample Read_Write program provided by Robotis. Under #define DEFAULT_BAUDNUM, it is set to 1 which means 1Mbps. What value do you recommend me of using? Do I need to change any value under USB Serial Port properties to match the DEFAULT_BAIDNUM in the C++ program?
Hello, I posted twice but the messages did not show up. I am trying again.
I measured the resistance of each wire from both the Robotis cable and the long self-made one. All of them have a resistance of 0.27 ohm.
There are two projects. One on using the Robotplus to control the motors. The other is on using the usb2dynamixel and C++. Eventually, I want to use both methods to control a robot of over 20 motors.
For using Robotplus to control the motors, is changing the USB Serial Port properties settings alone sufficient? What values do you recommend? Currently, under COM5, I have bps: 9600, data bit: 8, parity: none, stop bit: 1, flow control: none.
For controlling the motors using usb2dynamixel and C++, I modified the sample Read_Write program provided by Robotis. Under #define DEFAULT_BAUDNUM, it is set to 1 which means 1Mbps. What value do you recommend me of using? Do I need to change any value under USB Serial Port properties to match the DEFAULT_BAIDNUM in the C++ program?