by tempusmaster » Tue Aug 15, 2006 3:36 pm
by tempusmaster
Tue Aug 15, 2006 3:36 pm
Pev wrote:Hi,
If you were thinking about building a Robo-One robot for commpetition does anyone know where you could find the specifications for Robo-One rather than Robo-One J. I know there are some differences in size etc but would like to see the full spec of what they should be to be classed as a Robo-One robot.
As the saying goes, "Ask and you shall receive."
Thanks to Matt's brother-in-law Duncan, here's an excellent translation of the ROBO-ONE regulations in place for the 10th competition coming up this September.
By the way, Matt and Duncan plan to be over here with Rook's Pawn for the event, so we'll find out first hand how accurate the translation really is.
Pev wrote:Hi,
If you were thinking about building a Robo-One robot for commpetition does anyone know where you could find the specifications for Robo-One rather than Robo-One J. I know there are some differences in size etc but would like to see the full spec of what they should be to be classed as a Robo-One robot.
As the saying goes, "Ask and you shall receive."
Thanks to Matt's brother-in-law Duncan, here's an excellent translation of the ROBO-ONE regulations in place for the 10th competition coming up this September.
By the way, Matt and Duncan plan to be over here with Rook's Pawn for the event, so we'll find out first hand how accurate the translation really is.